Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Also, welcome! I am not normally a whinger about eggs lol, I promise, just seems to be a bought of it at the moment!
Ha, no worries! I completely understand. My hens are 26 weeks, and the first one did not start laying until 24 weeks! Everything from week 18 on was complete torture! Now I can tell when one of them is about to have their first egg based on their behavior alone. I also locked mine in the coop for a week because I feared they were laying eggs in little nests around my massive yard! So far, I am still uncovering bird shaped holes in the ground, but no eggs. I'm certain that my buff orp did not lay her first in the coop.
We have a few hidey spots in the run, but I check them all and still nothing. Trying to distract myself by thinking about the next hatch, sorting the finer details that I can plan for. One minor detail or requiring fertile eggs from our flock is still up in the air though.

We have had some pretty miserable weather for a week now.

I found a couple of p[rices for sand. I am leaning towards river sand for the coop, it's grey not jet black so it won't be so hot in summer.
I am leaning towards the river sand, just have to sort out a supplier and if I want to carry so much in my ute or borrow a trailer.

Was down there this afternoon and snapped a few more pictures, not like my hands were full of eggs to take back to the house lol.

Nearly 18 week old Barney. Getting some decent wattles on the boy!

Smudge, same age. Much smaller than Barney, but a good boy (other than bloody randy all the time!)

Cleo, nearly 23 weeks old. Still amazes me just how white and pure her feathers look even after a week of rain.

Amy Wyandotte. 18 weeks.

One for Pam, this is Baby. The only Ara we have that clearly has the head feathers we had hoped for. The other Ara pullets seem to be clean faced or a mix.

Let them out this afternoon, and heard something at the door. The whole flock was practically on the door mat watching the kids cartoons through the door. No eggs and mooching the pay TV!
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Ben Hens, sorry but, what is an ovation!??
Ben Hens, sorry but, what is an ovation!??
I am guessing you mean the blue no. 1 next to the green thumb in your post? My understanding is that is a rep base system. A forum tool used to show recognition for a positive or informative post.

I will see if I can find something more definitive, but basically, it's an internet hi five!

Cheers Ben.

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