Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Oh... ok, thanks very much for the gift! I could be reading posts for hours long after every one has gone to bed!!!
Thanks Benny! I look forward to chatting late tomorrow evening, I was checking out youtube and learned a lot of stuff that I didn't know so I need to put it all into practice!
Good night!
They're growing up so fast :) thanks for the Baby update! I should post some new ones of my bluebells for you. All three girls look completely different - only one ended up blue (gorgeous!), the other two are black. One has white hackles, one has red. The male was barred like a black sexlink - single copy if the barring/cuckoo gene I assume, so quite dark. Can't find good info on the exact bluebell "formula" but I'm thinking the breeder I got our eggs from uses a barred female (br?) and a blue or splash male. We butchered four of our 17wk old males last week, including the bluebell male since I wouldn't be keeping him long term. Thinking of putting our french blue copper marans roo in with the barred rocks, SLW, and the blue bluebell in the spring. I should get at least 25% blue chicks from those if I'm understanding correctly. Jeff will freak if I even mention hatching in the near future! So we'll just say " sometime" ;)
Thanks Benny! I look forward to chatting late tomorrow evening, I was checking out youtube and learned a lot of stuff that I didn't know so I need to put it all into practice!
Good night!
I love youtube. I watch so much on there. Have to use your BS filter, but still a great place to have a laugh and learn somethings. Drop in anytime for a chat.
They're growing up so fast
thanks for the Baby update! I should post some new ones of my bluebells for you. All three girls look completely different - only one ended up blue (gorgeous!), the other two are black. One has white hackles, one has red. The male was barred like a black sexlink - single copy if the barring/cuckoo gene I assume, so quite dark. Can't find good info on the exact bluebell "formula" but I'm thinking the breeder I got our eggs from uses a barred female (br?) and a blue or splash male. We butchered four of our 17wk old males last week, including the bluebell male since I wouldn't be keeping him long term. Thinking of putting our french blue copper marans roo in with the barred rocks, SLW, and the blue bluebell in the spring. I should get at least 25% blue chicks from those if I'm understanding correctly. Jeff will freak if I even mention hatching in the near future! So we'll just say " sometime"
Poor Jeff hahahahaha! Very keen to see little Miss Bluebell. Not sure if you saw earlier, but we have a member that lives in the next suburb over who breeds blue and black Australorp's. That should satisfy my blue itch next hatch. I plan on setting late October after our trip to Brisbane if your interested in setting a date early Pam?! I am also going to track down some FWM and throw in what ever mix we have in the hope for some green EE layers.

In other news, no egg this morning (Sorry Oz, I know you come here expecting the good news) Maybe today.

In other other news. While cleaning the coop, witnessed Smudge and Luna being successful at 'the deed' I know Smudge has been dancing, and chasing but not yet seen him properly function. Today seemed to work properly. I now have a clear understanding of the process hahahaha.
Lol - tempting but in October we'll celebrate our 15yr anniversary. Since I like being married I should hold out a little longer before hatching again! We're back under the 40 head count at least. Still far too many roosters (8 plus the fav chicks) but I've separated most of the roosters from the hens - except Mr Sprinkles and a couple of harmless shy boys that the other roosters won't stop bullying - Salomon (Baby's son) & Sylvester (FWM). Mr Sprinkles doesn't seem to mind the two young guys being in the big coop with him and the hens - at least for now. Oh, then there are the faverolles chicks. One girl, six boys, SIX! They're very sweet though - I absolutely love this breeds' temperament and the chicks are beautiful. I'll only be keeping the girl and one boy. Nova...do you need any new blood to add to your flock? Lol.
Not right now... I just took 3 to be processed. Have to decide if I am going to just add FULL sized DP hens in the spring. My boys are small. Want bigger boys to process. Those fav crosses just don't have the meat... Florus is lucky. He gets to stay. He'll have 4 girls in the spring.. Right now I have 2 marans eggs under one broody and to egg bird eggs under another. Can't see through the shells...

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