Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Home made steak burgers for dinner tonight, we cracked open Cleo's big egg, our very first double yolker!

Wouldn't mind seeing one of these a week hahahahaha
I love seeing those--my husband and step daughter had never seen a double yoker till we got chickens 2 years ago. it has really been an eye opener.!!
That double yolker was great!

Some bad news, some good news and then a bit more good news.

Found this this morning, the other part had been dragged into the coop.

We are REALLY hoping that it was an accident and was just stood on, not someone deciding to become an egg eater. I don't want to have to make new roll out nest boxes lol.

On to some better news, right now as I write this, we have our possible 5th layer in the nest box getting comfortable, 'Lavern' Hoping for a proper powder blue egg from her. Rosie is also in and out of nest boxes and singing her own version of an egg song. She has been around the boxes for a few days now, but today was the first I had heard her sing. She has been squatting for about 6 weeks now, can't be too far off for her.

In other news, I sent off an email regards our next hatch. I have short listed 5 breeds (lol, chicken math has got me good) not sure if we will get them all, but due to indecisiveness I am keen to get five hatching eggs of the following;

Blue/splash Australorps,
Plymoth Rocks
Salmon Fav's
FW Marans

Then we fill the spaces with our own mixes with Smudge as the Daddy O. I am confident I can get 35 into my DIY 'bator, then use our Hovabator as a hatcher. Plan to set on the 28th of this month, hopefully I can hold off putting some of ours in a couple of days early hahahaha
We had two new layers come on line today, Rosie and Laverne.

Counting the broken egg above we got five today, and I suspect Jewel is having the day off as she laid quite late yesterday. If the stars aline, tomorrow we could get our very first half dozen eggs :D
My girls will take out an egg in no time at all. Especially when they get knocked out of the nest box and hit the hard wood. All it takes is a good crack. I have a new layer, not sure which girl, but she keeps dropping it off the top shelf in the garage... Trying to get them to figure out how to lay in the nest... Thus, the half dozen eggs between the three boxes...
My girls decided to take a vacation, or something has them scared. Even my main free range mama went into the fenced run and show NO inclination to step out, even for a bit of grass. Not quite sure what is going on there. 29 layers, giving just 2-4 eggs daily.

If I have time, I want to send a couple to freezer camp.

Lost another of my juveniles inside the grow out pen, and something nabbed 2 more free ranfe chicks. If I find out what it is, it will be dead, quickly.
My sister, however, knows what is eating her girls. Her stupid pigs. Live chicken walking by... chomp. Dead and gone chicken. Glad I don't have pigs.


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