Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Well great to hear form you Lindz! Welcome to the list of readers and contributors.

I spent a bit of time in North Carolina on a work trip once, Fort Bragg in Fayetteville. The people there were really nice, but everyone always looked at me funny when I spoke hahahaha.

I am about to take off for work, with about 4 pullets 'egg songing' away. Might have to sneak down there and peek on those nest boxes!
Thanks! NC is an awesome place to live! I am still waiting on eggs too! My only layer at the moment has chicks, and the 2 older girls are molting.

Coco Chanel is molting. Coco is a common breed of what is it chicken. She just finished brooding, I won't let her brood, she forgets she has chicks after they hatch... Idiot hen... ANYWAY, she is the worst molter ever in my flock. Bare back, bare wings, bare belly, chest, neck... AND EVIL about it too!. I took bread out last night to give my ladies on the roost, since it was going to be cold. Apparently I was not giving it ALL to her ONLY so every time I turned to give peices to others, she'd attack my ears. SO, what did that mean aside from sore ears? It meant that it was "Teaching Moment" and Sheh-Sheh decided it was a good way to get my attention back to HER, and then Ebony caught on and I had 3 Freaking Ear Peckers! Needless to say, I have definitive proof that passing out or dying in my run/coop would be a bad thing as I have tastey ears. Lesson learned.

OH, I got 13 eggs today! I have been getting on average 6-8. SWEET! New layers!

Coco Chanel is molting. Coco is a common breed of what is it chicken. She just finished brooding, I won't let her brood, she forgets she has chicks after they hatch... Idiot hen... ANYWAY, she is the worst molter ever in my flock. Bare back, bare wings, bare belly, chest, neck... AND EVIL about it too!. I took bread out last night to give my ladies on the roost, since it was going to be cold. Apparently I was not giving it ALL to her ONLY so every time I turned to give peices to others, she'd attack my ears. SO, what did that mean aside from sore ears? It meant that it was "Teaching Moment" and Sheh-Sheh decided it was a good way to get my attention back to HER, and then Ebony caught on and I had 3 Freaking Ear Peckers! Needless to say, I have definitive proof that passing out or dying in my run/coop would be a bad thing as I have tastey ears. Lesson learned.

OH, I got 13 eggs today! I have been getting on average 6-8. SWEET! New layers!

coco soup should be on the menu
I have to say that thankfully, I do not name all of my birds. I have 28 in the coop/run, 13 in the grow out, 13 free rangers, and 8 in the brooder. I would absolutely never be able to remember 62 names. I have Roo (obvious), Daisy, Mama 1, 2, and 3, Pepper, Spot 1, Spot 2, Rainbow Beauty, Red, Phoenix, Chance, Bare Butt (molts nearly all summer), Snow Ball. We used to have 1 my son named Canibal because the day we got them, DH bought KFC, and DS fed his chicken to the chickens.

And it took too much mental meandering, picturing the coop in my mind, to remember those few names.
That would be a heap to remember. While doing a high tempo training course I once heard a blokes theory on memory. "My memory is like a glass, as a kid it started off empty and slowly filled with time. Eventually when you tip in something new to remember, something else spills out, hopefully not my name or how to breath"

I lost it, and to this day (clearly) have not forgotten. Something else must have spilled out in the mean time.
No. Eggs. Talked to the hens yesterday .. I have graciously granted them another 5 weeks to start giving me eggs before I start stocking my freezer with hen.
I think they all realize I mean business, except for 1 BPR hen who just likes to Peck my toes. She may be sent to freezer camp with the BSL roos that taught her that behavior.
Hahahahaha, I mean...so sorry to hear. We had a butt pecker (that totally came out wrong), he would always go for the back side when I knelt down.

Freezer camp did not help. A friend swears by an increase in bugs. She went and bought a bucket of mealies and her girls started to lay two days later.

I'm more of a 'whinge on the internet until it happens' kind of guy but if you can get some earth worms or meal worms might be worth a try.

Alicia saw some really nice pictures of a Salmon Fav today....made keeping them on the next hatch list heaps easier when the wife loves the look.

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