Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Oh, can you pen him separate while he goes through the glass mole stage of cockerels? He's at the right age to start being a real jerk for the next two month or so. Nice thing here, Rod Stewart, my top roo, he does a great job at teaching them youngsters to behave... I have lots of missing tails prior to processing. Lol

I got a different take on roos... I don't handle them, I walk purposefully thru my yard, I don't threaten them, I don't man handle the hens so they don't get upset. Tired the hens from my hands, a few will let me pick them up, a few don't. I only man handle when they are on the roost. My boys I leave be for the most part, but they ALL come running for me when they see me, treats usually help.

That said, I will not tolerate a rude cockerel. They raise their hackles any little bit from early on, I know there destination. I continue to raise and feed them just as well, if not better because they are going to feed me. I do have cockerels that have had conniption fits at the age of your guy and totally freak out at being touched. There is no need to feet grab. The biggest part is to subdue the wings while bringing them in close, so you end with an arm around with that hand just under the crop, think football hold. The other hand you can then use to scratch on the keel, stroke the comb and wattles as they become more comfortable. Do that at roost time. Get them used to you this way. But honestly, if you want a lap roo, get a silkie, OR. Keep him with YOU as his only company for a while.

I have Strutter, Rod, Florus, Fritz, Mr. Ed, Ray, Yokie, Blue Boy, Big guy, and Pretty Boy. All are friendly enough, not attack roos, and all serve a function. They have good attitudes(once past the hormonal teenage stage) and they all refuse to be randomly picked up. Off the roost, they are ok though. Jeez... 10 freaking roosters! Didn't realise I had that many till I put all their names down.

As for eating, atleast 10 a year go in the cooker. No reason to keep a bad roo, no reason to kill them to early either 16-18 weeks is ideal. If your going to eat him, fatten jumpy with meat builder and corn.

Thanks for your input! Normally, I don't feet grab and confine the wings because I hate getting a face full of wings. It just happened to be the only thing that I could get ahold of without getting into my small quarantine coop (3x3) to get him out. There was actually him and a pullet that were crazy flighty, but the pullet was killed by the neighbors dogs a few weeks ago when they took out half my flock. He has always been "awkward" with all the other chickens except that pullet and had a "peck or be pecked" mentality. If anyone came close they got it, and he would run away. My dominant roo, was also killed in the dog attack, so now Rogue doesn't have anyone to put him in his place. He raises hackles at everyone, and usually my Golden comet girls gang up on him to chill him out. I don't necessarily want a lap roo, but being able to manage to handle even enough to medicate if needed ect would be AMAZING!!!!!! I went down the other night after dark and was able to touch his tail and I got so excited!
Then he freaked out and jumped off the roost.
My younger bantam Cochin rooster is much nicer. He will come up for treats and you can ease him into a corner and pick him up all the time, and sometimes occassionally straight off the ground. I guess in a month or so, Rogue will end up as supper. As for separating him, I don't really have the space. I could put him in the quarantine coop, but he wouldn't be able to get out. At this point I free range during the day, but we plan to work on a run before winter sets in.
We only handle our boys to put them in their night box. Smudge will sometimes walk up and let me pat his back as he struts past. Barney though would stay well away. When it was time to carry him to the night box he would always be awkward. Could not let the kids carry him and he seemed to not know what to do with his legs. Smudge always knew the drill. Tucked up, docile walk back tot eh box earned him nice back pats the whole way there.

We have been all over the place with out next hatch plans tonight. I was sure I had a list locked in, then by chance another member in Tassie asked about my incubator space and offers me an excellent price on some STUNNING Coronation Sussex and Silver Laced Wyandottes.

Alicia and I had to sit down with 'breeder Google' and walk through our new and revised long list, re-think our realistic final numbers that we can keep and how many chicks we could manage until the extra's were sold off.

My short list turned out to be different from Alicia's hahahaha.

Sadly, after flip flopping all over the place, we have settled on a NEW short list, one that surprised me actually.

I am going to place the order tomorrow (With Katt in case you were wondering CB)

We can comfortable fit 36 large hens eggs in our incubator, and I will use our second as a hatcher again.

6x Australorps, she has blues, black and splash in the same pen. Going to be pot luck if we get one blue pullet.
6x Welsummers
6x Barred Rocks
6x French Wheaten Marans
The rest will be our own Araucana's and EE mixes.

That's it! (pending last minute availability)

I know those Coronation's will be on the next short list with Salmon Fav's some day!
I had a couple of feisty roos and read to pen the head to the ground firmly for 5 seconds with the tail in the air in front of the other chickens. I tried it on one and haven't had a problem since. I do plan on culling all but one or two but they will not he mistreated in any way before we butcher. That's part of the reason why we raise our own now!
Good luck with your hatch Bens-Hens
Fingers crossed for one blue pullet!

Our latest hatch are 2 weeks old now and I have a sneaky suspicion most of them are cockerels. I think I will be lucky to get one blue pullet out of 4 Blues lol. At this stage out of the nine hatched I think that about 2 or 3 are girls but I hope that I am wrong and there are more. Will have to wait another couple of weeks to know for sure.
Ben - nice choices on the short list. Nothing prettier than barred rocks pecking around in the grass. I love mine - daily big brown egg layers. Of course the other choices were no surprise :)
We only handle our boys to put them in their night box. Smudge will sometimes walk up and let me pat his back as he struts past. Barney though would stay well away. When it was time to carry him to the night box he would always be awkward. Could not let the kids carry him and he seemed to not know what to do with his legs. Smudge always knew the drill. Tucked up, docile walk back tot eh box earned him nice back pats the whole way there.

We have been all over the place with out next hatch plans tonight. I was sure I had a list locked in, then by chance another member in Tassie asked about my incubator space and offers me an excellent price on some STUNNING Coronation Sussex and Silver Laced Wyandottes.

Alicia and I had to sit down with 'breeder Google' and walk through our new and revised long list, re-think our realistic final numbers that we can keep and how many chicks we could manage until the extra's were sold off.

My short list turned out to be different from Alicia's hahahaha.

Sadly, after flip flopping all over the place, we have settled on a NEW short list, one that surprised me actually.

I am going to place the order tomorrow (With Katt in case you were wondering CB)

We can comfortable fit 36 large hens eggs in our incubator, and I will use our second as a hatcher again.

6x Australorps, she has blues, black and splash in the same pen. Going to be pot luck if we get one blue pullet.
6x Welsummers
6x Barred Rocks
6x French Wheaten Marans
The rest will be our own Araucana's and EE mixes.

That's it! (pending last minute availability)

I know those Coronation's will be on the next short list with Salmon Fav's some day!

great choices. How long till set day?
A weeks notice today, pick up next Saturday, set Sunday morning.

B.U.S.T.I.N.G! hahahaha

What a ripper!

An added week of anxiety.

The eggs just north of you are driving me baresque. Its day 21. After the sheer madness of the insta-hatch of quail, the chickens are appearing at 1-2 per hour.

Mon/tues is pheasant
Wed/thurs is guineas
Fri/sat is ducks

I am turning off the bators then for 2 whole months.

I need to grow out and rationalize the birds. Chicken math only covers so much
Oh chicken math was strong in this house last night. Caught myself saying things like "I have to have ...breed" hahahaha

Almost ended up buying 3 dozen eggs and still not setting any of our own! had the reign in the desire to own one of every breed in the country. We have the same space issues you have Oz, just on a smaller scale.

Sigh, some day this will not be an issue and I will be able to have any breed I like hahahahaha

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