Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

COLD. Below zero nights and high of 3°(F - sorry guys, I'm metric impaired) daytime, not even adding in windchill. We aren't getting as much snow as downstate but more than desired - plus major drifting. Too cold for snowmobiling or iceskating and too busy shoveling and plowing so pretty much worthless weather. Kids were suppose to return to school today from Christmas break but it's closed til at least Wednesday now.
Poor chickens. They seem quite content staying in their coops so today I didnt even open their pop door. Saved some of their "warmth". Balmy 12° inside there this afternoon. I was worried the roosters would fight due to being cooped up - every time I checked in on the rooster coop they were side by side on the roost or sharing corn or oatmeal nicely. They get a big starchy treat every night and vaseline on their combs - except on nights I work late and they're asleep when I get home - then I feel guilty. I think hubby & kids have been helping out though with the nightly treats. New years eve they even helped vaseline combs. Boy how new years festivities have changed.
Hahahaha sounds cold "Happy New years...pass the tub"

We are just stating up a heat wave, 40C (101F) yesterday, today is reasonable but then we will have a few days well over 40.

The east coast of Oz melted the other day with a high of 48C (188F) Poor birds have really struggled in that kind heat.

Yesterday we put Rosie and her chicks into the main run, but they spent the night back in the box. This morning we herded them back in so they can spend the bulk of the day confined. WIll see how they are coping if they stay the night down there.

Everyone else is in great condition.
Lol - I actually could open that clip! I sure wish we were slip slop slapping sunscreen rather that vaseline for frostbite right now!

Ben 188° ??? You must mean 118° I hope? We need to exchange some jetstreams or something - send some this way please!
Whoops, yes fat finger typo there, 118F lol Thanks for the pic up!

I used to love those community adds, lucky we are not that hot here, but it will be nearly as hot for longer over the next week. Summer is here!
Shew... it's supposed to be 2°F in the am with feels like temps of -20°F or colder. Gave the chickens some extra scratch and put in more bedding. Hope they stay warm enough.

I haven't posted lately because we have been fighting a stomach bug and now strep throat. I've been a busy momma! Plus dealing with the new puppy... at least he is cute! He cuddled up with my 3 year old this evening.

I'm guessing that on the other side of the world childrens secular Christmas songs are very different from ours. Ours mostly involve snow. Kids there may find that very strange.

Awww - cute pic lindz - stay warm & get better!
I'm guessing that on the other side of the world childrens secular Christmas songs are very different from ours. Ours mostly involve snow. Kids there may find that very strange.

Awww - cute pic lindz - stay warm & get better!
When I was growing up, we had pretty much the same Christmas songs. As Christmas was in the summer, most of the songs and imagery (e.g. Santa and reindeer) all seemed odd, but then again he did live at the North Pole, so you would expect him to be bundled up. When I moved to the states 11 years ago and experienced my first winter Christmas it all made much more sense! I think that back home there is a bit of a shift to change at least some of the imagery to be more season-appropriate (think Santa in a Hawaiian shirt). I am taking the whole family back to New Zealand for Christmas next year, so it will be interesting to see their take on the Christmas that I grew up with....
Our songs are the same, we even wear the same hat. We just can't wear them for very long before melting hahaha.

Of course thee are a few aussie variants red nosed kangaroo's but generally we all mumble the traditional songs.

On the chicken front, things have been going well. The Coro's are bouncing boys, enjoying getting out and chest bumping and dancing about, but are essentially inseparable. Pretty much fully feathered and looking great. Don't know what we are going to do there, keep them and start a long breeding process with our LS or maybe keep one and buy a pair of pullets from a rural breeder or buy more fertile eggs and try the process again. I do know that we want Coronation Sussex!

The Rocks are doing well, Rosie is still motherly which is great. We made a blended feed for the main run and moved Rosie and the chicks over. First night the chicks needed some help onto the roost, second night they found their own way up to sleep beside their mum. No fighting or injuries from the joining or with the return of Rosie. Very happy there. Confident we have one male and one female Rock.

The broody SPW spent a fair amount of time off the nest yesterday, and I thought she may have given up on that golf ball but today she was back on it again. I have lost track of how long it has been and beginning to think she may need intervention. She looks fine but this can't be good for her.

I now only separate the two runs at night, leaving the adjoining door between the 12 week old chicks and the main run open during the day. They seem to stick to their own sides but sometimes venture out for a visit. So far no fights from this so hoping when the time comes the joining of flocks will be without drama.

We have reclaimed out back step as a poo free zone!!!!!! Even getting 5-6 eggs again now although the second SPW is a dud layer I think, never see her on the job.

I have also advertised our roosters, those birds are getting big and eating more and more so it's time to try free up some space. If I can sell them it would be better for the feed bills, other wise they will go towards the human feed bill.

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