Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

On the opposite end of the spectrum I found a hen at 6am looking very droopy and lethargic, comb fallen over, wattles thinned out, eyes droopy. Tongue inside mouth looked dry and sticky. I am presuming heatstroke although we did all we could yesterday for them. Showering them down four times during the 44c day and oscillating fan inside roost at night with doors open for any welcome breeze. She is now inside with us in front of a fan and she will only drink from a syringe, being careful to only give her a drink occasionally as too much too soon could do more harm than good. Her wattles look a little redder and plumper and her comb is a tiny little bit better, she seems a little more alert than earlier too. She won't eat anyhting yet but I may have to tempt her just to kick start her metabolism. Just going out to check the others again as today is already at 40c and it's only 10.30am. The youngest chicks at almost three weeks old are faring well, the 'teenagers' at 11 weeks are okay too. Hubby is out there now setting up a misting network from the irrigation hoses and setting it on a timer. They hate being showered so a mister will be better and the water in the air cools the whole area down. Keep an eye on yours too Ben
Yes the heat has been a challenge. I have been giving the run a big water soak in the mornings along with the plants and then a few mistings with the soaker hose. We don't have any big trees that shade the run, so it's mostly artificial other than the vines. Fences, shade sail, the coop is raised, cement sheeting and also insulation panels.

Didn't get much relief last night either, 32c was the min here! Tonight I hope it breaks with a low in the mid 20's.

I just asked on another thread for an alternative, I have nothing here to add to water and live too remotely to get anyhting on a sunday. I have ACV or a soda drink I could add a little to water???? I have no electrolytes at all
For chicks that look a bit off I make a sweet water, just plain water with a table spoon of sugar. I just leave it for free drinking for a day then go to plain water and then introduce ACV.

Our birds love grapes too, so if you have some chill them and see if she likes them, depending on her size you may have to slice them up a bit.

Good luck, it's 34c at my computer desk let alone outside! I just have a fan on, I refuse to turn on the air con when I am home alone.
Thanks for that, before I saw this I googled 'electolytes home made' and got one with honey, salt, lemon juice or any citric juice. I have been syringe feedin her it every half hour but only a few mililetres at a time, she will not eat, refuses even a tasty morsel but since getting her to take water she has actually passed poop twice. Still lethargic and I can't leave her inside as we have to go out later, I am not sure about letting her roost with the others but the 'maternity ward' is in use and that's the only place that's still within the henhouse but segregated
For chicks that look a bit off I make a sweet water, just plain water with a table spoon of sugar. I just leave it for free drinking for a day then go to plain water and then introduce ACV.

Our birds love grapes too, so if you have some chill them and see if she likes them, depending on her size you may have to slice them up a bit.

Good luck, it's 34c at my computer desk let alone outside! I just have a fan on, I refuse to turn on the air con when I am home alone.
I have no A/C :( Yep, cold grapes, I buy them when they are reduced and that's a real treat for them. I cut them in half lengthways in case the younger ones try to swallow one hole, the massive ones I let them peck .

Hubby installed a home made mister system this morning for them that runs around three quarters of the run and is on a timer, every hour for several minutes, the water hits the trees and leaves, it then cools the area down and the hens don't mind misting, just hate showers. Last week we were dunking them individually to saturate their undersides and down as it took longer to dry and kept them cooler. We chook lovers are very protective aren't we LOL
In my war chest I keep some vitamin & mineral with packs. I add a bit to the water in times of stress. For the Merkans, Jefferspet sells it for under 2 bucks.


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