Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

My boys liked the wiggles for about two seconds. Then it became to girly. LOL. HUH??

Hey... if they weren't going to go in there pot, eventually they'd have been in yours.

I agree with Alicia though. Keep that fav boy as long as possible. I really want to see what he turns out like.
I agree - he's very unusual and I would like to see how he grows up. My noisiest roosters by far are the Easter egger and Saloman who is half EE. Noisy guys. Bruno (fav) rarely crows and its very muffled when he does. It seems he's low ranking in the main flock so maybe that's why. The three favs I have left in the soup pot holding pen are quiet too, but my golden cuckoo marans roo is king over there. Maybe your fav boy will be quiet to keep around awhile ;)
I have a totally off topic question! Did your boys watch Bananas in Pyjamas? My 3 year old just found it on Netflix and LOVES them! LOL... I was just wondering since it was an Australian show.

On a chicken note, we are going to process our extra roos on the 25th.... I am only keeping 1 Black Copper maran boy, and then bringing home 3 new EE pullets and an EE roo!
I thought every kids grows up on B1 and B2?! Yeah, our kids loved them but they are getting a bit older now. My youngest still loves Peppa Pig. They tend to tune in for the modern action cartoons now, I even sat down and shared some oldies with them which they enjoyed. Original Ninja Turtles was my era, along with He-Man. We even watched a few Popeye when the kids refused to each spinach hahahaha, worked a treat as they love the stuff and get up and flex after finishing their dinner lol

Glad they moved away from In the Night Garden, that show weirded me out.

High Five is the latest Aussie kids show taking the world by storm

They did boom for a while, but have not seen much of them, they replaced all the originals and have not done as well since I think. Maybe we out grew the phase as our kids got older (5/7)
My boys liked the wiggles for about two seconds. Then it became to girly. LOL. HUH??

Hey... if they weren't going to go in there pot, eventually they'd have been in yours.

I agree with Alicia though. Keep that fav boy as long as possible. I really want to see what he turns out like.
The Wiggles were KINGS, richest skivvy wearers ever I am sure. They too had a heap of political stuff go on and seem to have petered out the last couple of years, but they had a solid 15 year run.

We had hoped they would not end up in our pot, but if they did not sell, then yes they would. I would rather feed my family after our efforts raising them than giving them away for free to feed others that just scoop free roos from the paper. Unless I know it's going to a good home, I will put something on their heads, even if it just covers a bit of feed that went into raising them for months.

The fav boy aka 'Sav' is nice, quiet and inquisitive. Even likes a pat on the back so he has won over Alicia.

I agree - he's very unusual and I would like to see how he grows up. My noisiest roosters by far are the Easter egger and Saloman who is half EE. Noisy guys. Bruno (fav) rarely crows and its very muffled when he does. It seems he's low ranking in the main flock so maybe that's why. The three favs I have left in the soup pot holding pen are quiet too, but my golden cuckoo marans roo is king over there. Maybe your fav boy will be quiet to keep around awhile
Our noisiest is by far Luna, she has this regular 'moaning' sound, she uses it for her egg song but she makes it often. To the point I am thinking if anyone complains, it will be because it sounds like we are miss treating her. I will try get a video sometime, but it sounds like she has her head trapped, or she is in labour, or she is a trapped prisoner screaming to be released hahahaha, but she does it when she is free ranging too lol.

Once all the crowing boy had gone, it was quiet for about half a day and the last FWM crowed yesterday afternoon.....it's like a never ending line hahahaha.

Another hot weekend coming up, picked up some melons from a local farmer, going to pre size them and freeze them for the flock.
What a weekend, for a 'quiet one at home by myself' I was flat out! Alicia and I had been talking at length about replacing our old kitchen pantry, it was sagging in the middle, the doors didn't close properly and we were getting some moths in our dried goods. The past few weeks we looked at materials and prices but it was all so expensive, most quotes were about $1300 for a flat pack corner pantry. I made my own for under $300, but it took me most of a weekend while the rest of the family were down south catching up with friends. I was pretty happy with the end result considering it was my first attempt at cabinetry. Apart from two holes I had to plug and a bit of chipping I was stoked :) pic is on my phone so will have to come back and load it from there.
The old and the new, naturally we saved the kids art work :)
Also got some video of Luna, but it was of her Kookaburra impersonation, her moaning is more strangled and long winded hahahaha
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What a weekend, for a 'quiet one at home by myself' I was flat out!

Alicia and I had been talking at length about replacing our old kitchen pantry, it was sagging in the middle, the doors didn't close properly and we were getting some moths in our dried goods.

The past few weeks we looked at materials and prices but it was all so expensive, most quotes were about $1300 for a flat pack corner pantry. I made my own for under $300, but it took me most of a weekend while the rest of the family were down south catching up with friends. I was pretty happy with the end result considering it was my first attempt at cabinetry. Apart from two holes I had to plug and a bit of chipping I was stoked
pic is on my phone so will have to come back and load it from there.

The old and the new, naturally we saved the kids art work

Also got some video of Luna, but it was of her Kookaburra impersonation, her moaning is more strangled and long winded hahahaha

Nice job on the pantry!

And what a cute video! She cracks me up!
What a weekend, for a 'quiet one at home by myself' I was flat out!

Alicia and I had been talking at length about replacing our old kitchen pantry, it was sagging in the middle, the doors didn't close properly and we were getting some moths in our dried goods.

The past few weeks we looked at materials and prices but it was all so expensive, most quotes were about $1300 for a flat pack corner pantry. I made my own for under $300, but it took me most of a weekend while the rest of the family were down south catching up with friends. I was pretty happy with the end result considering it was my first attempt at cabinetry. Apart from two holes I had to plug and a bit of chipping I was stoked
pic is on my phone so will have to come back and load it from there.

The old and the new, naturally we saved the kids art work

Also got some video of Luna, but it was of her Kookaburra impersonation, her moaning is more strangled and long winded hahahaha
Nice work on the pantry!
The moaning video did not work

She is a family favourite, but the noise is going to get us in trouble hahahaha She also seems to like to mount the smaller pullets. We have so many chickens behaving weirdly!

Todays 'to do' list involves feather and doody duty. The younger birds are going through their mini moult which seems to be an endless parade of blowing feathers. SItting out the back is like a scene from Forrest Gump, but not as graceful!

Sorry Scott, is working for me. I am getting it in stereo from the PC and the back door.
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She is a family favourite, but the noise is going to get us in trouble hahahaha She also seems to like to mount the smaller pullets. We have so many chickens behaving weirdly!

Todays 'to do' list involves feather and doody duty. The younger birds are going through their mini moult which seems to be an endless parade of blowing feathers. SItting out the back is like a scene from Forrest Gump, but not as graceful!

Sorry Scott, is working for me. I am getting it in stereo from the PC and the back door.

Too funny.
While on aforementioned feather and doody duty, Alicia and I have been in discussions about the sex of some of our birds. I will leave the black ones for another time, but thought I would share the Plymouth Rock pics I just got. She thinks we have two boys, I think we have at least one girl, possibly two (one does have a slightly bigger comb but not as big as the other cockerels at that age.

What's your thoughts? They will be 8 weeks in a couple of days.

No1 is on the right

No 2 is on the right, now no.1 is on the left.

Also, since I am here, we are thinking about advertising Fancy's two Coro boys. After researching the genetics behind breeding lavender into our Light SUssex I don't think we have the space to creeate our own line. So we might sell these guys and try again for some pullets down the track. They are almost 9 weeks.

In the other corner, we have the remaining almost 14 week old cockerels for sale. Alicia is doing her best to keep 'Sav' the Salmon Fav boy. He is nice, the biggest and yet to make noise hahahaha


The last FWM

The Wellie boy aka Kellog's

And the littlest boy with the biggest pecky attitude giving me the stink eye.

Finally is this little Barnevelder x Araucana pullet. She has the coolest little golden pin stripes :)

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