Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

She is a family favourite, but the noise is going to get us in trouble hahahaha She also seems to like to mount the smaller pullets. We have so many chickens behaving weirdly!

Todays 'to do' list involves feather and doody duty. The younger birds are going through their mini moult which seems to be an endless parade of blowing feathers. SItting out the back is like a scene from Forrest Gump, but not as graceful!

Sorry Scott, is working for me. I am getting it in stereo from the PC and the back door.
It's working now, Thanks!!

Geeze and I thought we had dramas with the neighbors cats! Rebar!!!

That Mr is a good looking fellow.

I have been tied up with work lately, but we have sold both the Coro roo's, they just need to be picked up. The other boys are still here, in fact so are the other 4 that some friends said they would come back for....they were 10 week then so that was about a month ago now! Might have to raise the price of those pullets to something closer to POL prices.

I kind of got wrapped up in a bit of a write up about first time hatchers last night. I am keen to go back and edit it into an article for others to share.

We also know another family (that took Latte from us) a long time ago. Alicia was helping them with feed while they went away for a long weekend and she noticed they were not looking the best. I got some pictures the other afternoon when there, so I will raise a thread and post it in the health section and see if I can get some feedback. I am thinking lice but I was not able to see any or their eggs. When I get the pics off my phone I will share them here too, hopefully someone can help.

They want to buy some pullets from us, but we don't want to sell them to a place we know has issues like that. Has put us in a difficult spot, so we want to help them get it sorted.
Life gets in the way. We've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to stop and ' smell the roses '. Shame about the coro's, but you have to face the facts, most neighbours don't tolerate crowing.
We've gone full swing into competition , another one this weekend and the one after that.................. The goat shearer is coming next week and we got the hay in
This is the youngest atop the hay trailer. She's not happy about me uploading this pic , cause she had no makeup on . Oh to be 16 again.


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