Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.


As for temperament, I would have to completely agree with Nova. Can't comment on colours or broodiness yet though as they are not mature, but everything else has shone through.

Today, I decided to do an experiment. Our three advertised cockerels had until this weekend to sell, and they did not. So I am taking the afternoon off to process two. The Welsummer boy is most quite of the three, so he can have an extension in the hope of a sale, the other two, Maran and Araucana aptly named by the kids 'Mr pecker' (which I keep trying to rename Mr Pecky lol) have come to the end of the road.

So, back to my experiment. I have seen a bit of chatter on FB about rooster collars. I watched the video's and was convinced they worked, but did not want to outlay the $15 purchase price, and $25 shipping for something that may not work when it actually gets here. SO I want ed to make a test version. It failed.

I took the two most regular crowers and made velcro neck bands. The idea of the collar is that the boy cannot expand his airway to maximum capacity to crow, they can eat, chirp, make boy noises and do everything else, but when he goes to belt out a full noise tune he can't. SImple enough to test.

I made two loops so I could adjust them and do a little test. I had about a pinky fingers width of clearance (as per the site suggests). As expected they found it weird. Took a minute for teh Maran to get over it, and about 5 for Mr Pecker. Then one crowed, followed by the other! I put a bit more tension on them, stood watch while they ate some scratch and had a drink, then both crowed again, and again. I checked the collars to make sure they were as firm as I felt comfortable and had not slipped or come loose.

End result, for me, they did not work. I might not have had them tight enough, could be flexing the band or they may be bloating their necks or something like horses can do when saddling, but either way, they don't get another weeks extension as they are drawing too much attention with their counter crowing efforts.

In other news, I went to see the other flock, the poorly ones. It's only been just over a week, but I swear they are looking much better already. Feathers still look a bit ratty, but they look more full and some have stubble around their vents. While there I made two long roosts for them to perch on, one runs along to top of the nest boxes to deter them from sleeping on the lid and in their own droppings at night. I didn't get a pic, but will next time I am there.
I'm only 500 m from town, but it's still country and it just wouldn't be country without a rooster crowing in the dawn. I have an owl in the garden that annoys me more than any roo ever has, and what about those noisy sulphur crested cockatoos. You get my point?
Oh yeah, I get it.

I don't have a problem with a good crow, I just get stressed out over them as I don't want a knock at the door with someone from the council here to serve me, or worse yet, someone local decides to take matters into their own hands while I am not here.

The Welsummer roo has gone very quiet, the Maran is resting in the fridge and I did not get time to handle Mr Pecker yesterday as I wanted to be at the school when the kids got out from their first day back. So he gets and extension for a bit longer.

The last two pullets on hold are due to move out any day now, they have been paid for and conditions in that flock are improving.

Sorry Ben to barge in but so excited we have 3 New fuzzy butts, first set of chicks since my birthday hatch!
I caught a varmit that was ransacking my building and getting into my chicken feed!

I also had a perfect egg day and got 15 eggs which means that my mystery pullet is laying! And she lays a blue/green egg, so I guess she is considered to be an Easter Egger! Unfortunately, I broke one getting it out of my pocket, dropped another and one was on the coop floor and was nasty, so I scrambled them and gave them back to the girls!
I caught a varmit that was ransacking my building and getting into my chicken feed!

I also had a perfect egg day and got 15 eggs which means that my mystery pullet is laying! And she lays a blue/green egg, so I guess she is considered to be an Easter Egger! Unfortunately, I broke one getting it out of my pocket, dropped another and one was on the coop floor and was nasty, so I scrambled them and gave them back to the girls!
a few more of those guys and you have a great pie

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