Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

EVERYONE is HATCHING!! ALL EGGS HAVE PIPS ohmegeeeerdddd what will I do with all of them!!! HA HA HA

Moved some chicks to the brooder, ALL are BS FAVS so far and one CCL male it
They were filling up the coolerbator and I think we have about 15 more or so to go!
so they can breath now ha ha ha
all eggs have pipped or hatch except three, one brahma and two CCL are not pipped : (
I cannot complain, thats alot of chicks!

and of course pit stop at the counter top! Photo shoot!

EVERYONE is HATCHING!! ALL EGGS HAVE PIPS ohmegeeeerdddd what will I do with all of them!!! HA HA HA
Moved some chicks to the brooder, ALL are BS FAVS so far and one CCL male it
They were filling up the coolerbator and I think we have about 15 more or so to go!
so they can breath now ha ha ha
all eggs have pipped or hatch except three, one brahma and two CCL are not pipped : (
I cannot complain, thats alot of chicks!


and of course pit stop at the counter top! Photo shoot!


Omg, that last shot is definitely a candidate for the Easter pic comp. good job!
adorable! And you have more hatching in about 10 days, right? I'm hoping that my Easter hatch goes well.
Yes I do and a week thereafter as well. I am hoping it does great as well, thank you!

<chuckles> too bad I cannot enter any of the contests, thanks its a cute chick!

Tell me with these FAVs how do I know for sure I have a hen chosen to keep, obviously I am not keeping 20 of these chicks! so I will need to choose from the lot.
EVERYONE is HATCHING!! ALL EGGS HAVE PIPS ohmegeeeerdddd what will I do with all of them!!! HA HA HA

Moved some chicks to the brooder, ALL are BS FAVS so far and one CCL male it
They were filling up the coolerbator and I think we have about 15 more or so to go!
so they can breath now ha ha ha
all eggs have pipped or hatch except three, one brahma and two CCL are not pipped : (
I cannot complain, thats alot of chicks!

and of course pit stop at the counter top! Photo shoot!

They are DARLING!!!!!! I found someone close to get some hatching eggs off of!!!! I am getting 2 dozen around the 22nd!!!!!! Love the pictures! My mutt eggs went into lock-down today!
Between 2-3 weeks you can be pretty confident which are males and which are females. The females won't have any black feathers.
that means I have to keep them that long

seriously, thank you!

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