Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Hi Vindi! Welcome to our little part of the world!

Today, we added another new layer to our list, Olive laid her first egg. Not that we could have missed it...real drama queen with her egg song hahahahaha

Unfortunately though, she did not live up to her name and Olive the Barnevelder cross Araucana laid a cream coloured egg. I don know someone that has olive eggers breeding true so that could be an option if my desire for weird egg colours continues to grow.
Dropping in to say hi and start from the beginning!

Hey you guys n gals!! Is it ok if I post some pics of these FAVS we hatched? their wing tips are all coming in with some grey??? I am not sure what to think! they are adorable though!!
Hey you guys n gals!!  Is it ok if I post some pics of these FAVS we hatched? their wing tips are all coming in with some grey???  I am not sure what to think! they are adorable though!! 

Go for it! I'd love to see them.
Ben - who'd've (lol) thought a cream egg would come from that cross. Bewildered.
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Hey you guys n gals!! Is it ok if I post some pics of these FAVS we hatched? their wing tips are all coming in with some grey??? I am not sure what to think! they are adorable though!!

Yeah of course!
Go for it! I'd love to see them.
Ben - who'd've (lol) thought a cream egg would come from that cross. Bewildered.
I know, blue egg layer father, dark layer mother and cream egg from the first gen. She still has almost a black pea comb too, just a little red in there and the wattles. Her crested sister with the single comb will probably lay the perfect egg colour hahahah, you know, the one I sold already hahahaha
Unreal! Very good stats.

You are getting pretty good at this hatching thing :) Who have we got in there, hard to make some out with that light.

Yesterday we got three eggs, but the day before we got 6!!! Best number we have had in a while. Still nothing from our SPW, I stopped counting how many weeks old she is, must be coming up to 13 months though without laying. The gent who bought her sister must be laughing all the way to the egg carton pile by now!
Maybe your spw has a good hiding spot, lol. I have one Marans that lays them on an overhead shelf if I don't keep it blocked off. Imagine the pile of eggs she could have stashed after all these weeks! Just kidding, I know with all your recent housing changes that's highly unlikely.
Okay, so in the broader we have a bunch of good old backyard "hybrids" lol. Six are from Salomon and Daisy so they're 1/4 ee & 3/4 fav. Some are solid yellow, some have the ee stripes which is a surprise since Salomon didn't as a chick but his dad did. Curious if it's a telltale of whether they're male or female.
The other five are from the open run:
1 EE/Bluebell
2 RIR/Wheaten marans...yeah wishing the EE and RIR roosters would've switched that around so I'd have have olive Eggers potentially. Oh well. I only have one separation pen besides the rooster coop, and I had Daisy and Salomon in it.
The 12th egg was malpositioned and didn't make it. I hate that it was the egg my son was most looking forward to hatching too. He chose it himself. I told him if one of our hens goes broody this summer we'll let her hatch a couple of those eggs.
The guy messaged me this morning, and he is going to put the Sal. Fav eggs in the mail in the morning!!!!! YAY!!!! I'm hoping that they get here on Thursday! I could have went and got them, but it was a 4.5 hour drive one way, and I'd have had $100 in gas in them.... Figured it was cheaper to just have him ship them.

AND GUESS WHAT!!!!! I have a broody, so I'm going to give her a few of the eggs!

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