Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

They are such great birds. We only have Curly the BV now as far as laced goes, but with the addition of a new roost we could squeeze in a few more pretties now we have a bigger coop and run.
Well when my PR banties grow up, they'll be kinda laced
Luna the BA is still laying, the only hen holding they fort. The four pullets are doing well too laying most days.

I am impressed with Sal the faverolle's egg size as too Summer's. Although Summers are now lighter and more speckled than her earlier reddy coloured eggs.

From the feed back if the Marans we sold, we have kept the darkest layer. I do solemnly swear they are darker than any pic I can get if them lol. I know they are not really dark, probably what a wellie it Barnie should be laying, but it's the darkest we can get for out collection!

One of Marries next Luna's from today.


Weather is starting to look like winter, still in shorts and tee shirt, but plenty if wet stuff around!

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