Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Gotta love Australorps for their egg laying consistency. Three out of our eleven girls are laying however they all stagger their moult. Some have finished their moult, others are in the middle of a moult, one started moulting today and some haven't even started yet. This means eggs all year round however there are feathers EVERYWHERE. Must say though I'm down to only 2.5 dozen eggs now - not my usual 8 dozen stockpiled. Laying has slowed considerably however still enough to keep us going.

Loving this wet weather. The power went out in the early hours of the morning but it was back on by 8:30am. We had some large tree branches come down overnight but luckily no damage. We were in Kalamunda today and there were entire trees and power lines down everywhere.
Thankfully our dog was ok with the stormy weather. He is epileptic and usually harsh weather can trigger seizures. Shouldn't speak so soon but he has been ok up until now.
Good to hear from you CB!

We got a bit of rain and wind over the road from you, but not as drastic as other area's. Beckenham got hit pretty hard, yet we got off so lightly here.

Hope the dog holds up for the night, this weather should be over in a day or so.
Luna the BA is still laying, the only hen holding they fort. The four pullets are doing well too laying most days.

I am impressed with Sal the faverolle's egg size as too Summer's. Although Summers are now lighter and more speckled than her earlier reddy coloured eggs.

From the feed back if the Marans we sold, we have kept the darkest layer. I do solemnly swear they are darker than any pic I can get if them lol. I know they are not really dark, probably what a wellie it Barnie should be laying, but it's the darkest we can get for out collection!

One of Marries next Luna's from today.

Weather is starting to look like winter, still in shorts and tee shirt, but plenty if wet stuff around!
I'd be happy with that colour too Ben! I'll be hatching some Marans in the spring/summer time, so here's hoping the eggs will look like that.
Don't get me wrong, I love the colour, I just wish we could get as dark as the US here. I know another aussie member (choockpatch) gets some great colour as well as Satay but for what we have available I am pretty happy.

ALso had a Barred Rock squat for me last night...not long to go for those two girls!
The girls have been doing their thing, have a possible new layer too. Had an egg that I just can't place, bit smaller than what we have been getting and a little different tint. Rosie has been taking the rocks and Amy (SPW) to the nest boxes each day for a bit of a tour, so it is possible it was any one of them.

In other news, I just saw this video on FB, and had to share it here, worth 5:30 of your time.

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