Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Hey y'all.... (lol)

I have started steaming my eggs rather than boiling. For hard boiled I put them in the steamer basket and when the water starts boiling I let them steam poo r about 18-20 minutes. Then I pull them off the heat and let them sit still over the water for another 5 minutes away so. Run them under cold water until they are cool enough to peel. I have so much better luck getting eggs rather than a mess doing it this way. Even if I use eggs laid that day.
Hey y'all.... (lol)

I have started steaming my eggs rather than boiling. For hard boiled I put them in the steamer basket and when the water starts boiling I let them steam poo r about 18-20 minutes. Then I pull them off the heat and let them sit still over the water for another 5 minutes away so. Run them under cold water until they are cool enough to peel. I have so much better luck getting eggs rather than a mess doing it this way. Even if I use eggs laid that day.

I might give that a go today. Egg and lettuce sandwiches for lunch. :)
Well I did it, steamed 3x fresh eggs for 15 min , let them stand for 5 then I ran them under cold water and ' presto ' perfect eggs. So easy to peel , a dollop of fresh herb mayo s&p , manufique!
Now you know what I get up to at 5 am on a Wednesday morning.
Crap, now you're making me hungry... Maybe I could try that when Wednesday morning gets here. Here's something to try too, If you have some of the fruits of the fabled bacon animal. Slice some red onion up on a oven pan, and lay some bacon slices on top of it. Throw in a 200 C oven at the top and bake until crispy. Had this with carrot soup today, it was delicious, but I'm guessing it would go nicely with some hard boiled egg, mayo and salad in a sandwich. Maybe even some tomato if you're feeling adventurous.
I feel like I've hijacked Ben's thread lately, you really need to post more actively Ben to keep this from becoming the Cooking and Carpentry with Felix Show. Or I could just shut up, but that's not very likely... my better half keeps reminding me during conversations "Honey, others might want to talk too..."
Lol, it's only 4.43 in Western Australia. Ben will eventually catch up .
Such a sleepy head. He should of kept the roosters to wake him up. Well, it's nearing midnight here, the sun has finally set so maybe I can get some sleep. All of the cluckers went to bed by themselves tonight, and the space between the newer additions and the original occupants has magically disappeared on the roost. Probably helps that we went from +27C to +7C overnight. Ben, when I wake up I'm expecting loads of posts from you to balance out my ramblings. And do tell me to shut up when I meet my daily quota.

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