Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Ben, you remind me of Martin Gurdons books (read them if you haven't). I read somewhere about a feather duster wrapping around a chicks neck, so be mindful of that.

Blah, an hours wait to get my pugs registration renewed. And all they need to do is check one minor repair...
Oh and Ben, you should build a non tumbling compost yourself, then you get to experience the processes when turning. I haven't named mine yet though... How does Bob the Compost sound?

And the little chirpers look adorable.
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Oh and Ben, you should build a non tumbling compost yourself, then you get to experience the processes when turning. I haven't named mine yet though... How does Bob the Compost sound?

And the little chirpers look adorable.

Felix I have nothing to compost. Even my autumn leaves go into the chook run . When I put a pony in with the coronation they make short work of it.
I sprout barley , it's really very easy and just a little addictive , like all things chicken.


Oops , short work of the pony poo not the pony.
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The pug is allowed to endanger traffic safety for another year!

Fancy, we get loads to compost, mainly the chicken poop and bedding. I have a bucket of wheat that couod be sprouted, but with all the grass we get I see no reason yet... maybe in winter.
The pug is allowed to endanger traffic safety for another year!

Fancy, we get loads to compost, mainly the chicken poop and bedding. I have a bucket of wheat that couod be sprouted, but with all the grass we get I see no reason yet... maybe in winter.

Every week I have 4 chaff bags full of coop litter ( poop and hay ) my friends take turns in collecting for their gardens. I have a bed behind the vege patch that I will start wintering down ready for pumpkin seedlings in spring. So I'll use some myself. On the sprouting 1 kg converts into 5 kg in 6-7 days and the chickens love it.
Having a single chick hatch is a great reason to get more! It has worked real well for me in the past :). I wish I could find some here less than a few days old that could fool Betty or even slip under another broody - I have four now. I wanted to give Fancy a reward for her participation but I guess it's not going to happen.
A wylkie - yay! I see the little pink toes in the new pic, lol. I'm glad you found it some friends. I have a standard New Hampshire hen. She is the heaviest of all my hens and most of the roosters actually. She's not bigger in size so she must be very solid.
Every week I have 4 chaff bags full of coop litter ( poop and hay ) my friends take turns in collecting for their gardens. I have a bed behind the vege patch that I will start wintering down ready for pumpkin seedlings in spring. So I'll use some myself. On the sprouting 1 kg converts into 5 kg in 6-7 days and the chickens love it.

I sprout red wheat and rye through the winter so mine get fresh greens all winter. Of course in my climate I have to grow it on a tray in the basement window - I use those plastic garden seed starting trays with just a little water and dirt in the bottom. Then I take the whole tray out to them each week. It's devoured in minutes but it seems worth it when I see those bright orange yolks.
I sprout red wheat and rye through the winter so mine get fresh greens all winter. Of course in my climate I have to grow it on a tray in the basement window - I use those plastic garden seed starting trays with just a little water and dirt in the bottom. Then I take the whole tray out to them each week. It's devoured in minutes but it seems worth it when I see those bright orange yolks.

I'm planning on doing that in winter. Karin came home with 20kg feed, 20kg progut and 40kg oat today. Seems a bit excessive for 9 chickies...

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