Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Reminds me to see if I can find a cheap feather duster for the brooder, I saw someone using one and the chicks loved to play under it. All going well, but I will get back to it in a minute. I have not really played with fermenting feed, but I have sprouted grains in what seemed like a never ending cycle of tubs in the wash house. We had some older grains that were mixed with pellets. The pellets were breaking down but the grains did well. SO I softened them over night and rinsed away the pellets, then laid out the grains to sprout. The flock loved them, but I am glad the bin ran empty as it took a bit of work. My compost tumbler and fertiliser tub have no such relationship, maybe it would go better if we named our green roller 'spinning sticky' or something! Thats great CB, we have low number now too, 3 today from our girls. Luna our BA started to molt last week, she kindly waited for everyone else before starting. Our BA eggs are also pretty big, often torpedo shaped being long and pointy kind of like your browner one. I have tried that method, not sure if it worked but I did feel better doing it. So, we got back from Katt's with a few more chicks. I went for 3, maybe 4 if she had a frizzle in there, but ALicia found more that she liked and we came home with 5 to add to our 1! Speaking of our one, turns out it may be a cross (which is often not wanted) but for us it works out perfect. I have always loved Fancy's Wylkies, and it looks like that's exactly what we got. A shame about the others, but we are happy for what we got. From Katt we got 3 more, which quickly grew to 5 before leaving. I tell you, lucky we got out of there when we did as there was a GLW and a REAL cute Peking duck in there too hahahaha I might have some mistakes here, but I am pretty sure this is what we got. I have my suspicions about some but time will tell. A lady in the hills here has made a line of Palomino New Hampshire (which could possibly be frizzled), a Silkie with white down and black specks, a buff coloured Cochin, a 'dark blue' Australorp (we will see) and a Black Minorca that looks like a BA to me but she was confident it was a Minorca. Our Wylkie is not yet fully dried out, but it's tucked in with the rest under the lamp. Some of the gang. The Palomino project chick is the one with a grey back. I don't know anything about the breed or the colour, so I am just taking the breeders word for it, and to me a New Hampshire is pretty much a mid sized red bird, so we will see how it turns out. The silkie from Katt, has the same spots down it's back as it has on it's head. Fancy's Wylkie, five toes, yellow skin and legs, although we think we can see some darker patches. Dark Blue Australorp, although I would not be surprised if it is a black, it's very dark at this point. Someones in love with a spotty feather duster already :) More to come a bit later.
Morning all!

Fingers crossed you can find some Pam. I was not after so many since I had gotten used to the idea of just three hatching but Alicia said we should also allow for 'the boy factor' so we got more than I expected.

I tried to get some nicer pics, but unfortunately some are a bit blurry. I will try again soon.

Too much cuteness! That "wylkie" has the most innocent little face.
Our feed store has ended their chick days but will still do special orders if I want to order a minumum of 15. Tempting but no. I haven't found anything else locally that's young enough, and I think at this point Betty knows she has one baby and I'd probably end up with Fancy adopting the newcomers.
Oh- on a good note- during my search online I found that my favorite two SF boys I gave to a lady last Dec are still alive and well with offspring of their own for sale. The ad was a couple weeks old or I'd call. I looked up the contact number for the ad - it matched. It was good to see they look well cared for.
Today we tried to aquaint the two 5wk olds with the almost 8wk olds. Why are red chickens so mean? In every group we've raised it's the red breeds that like to bully the others. Oh well, back to the brooder the younger ones go.
For us it's the barred Rocks lol, which is funny as the breeder says her Rocks are the most friendly of all her breeds!

This morning I noticed the Minorca chick was laying down a lot, not very spritely. I said to ALicia that I was worried about it and she said it laid down the most yesterday too. I wish she had pointed that out to me earlier.....probably would not have changed anything anyway. By the time I got home it had passed away. :(

Nature at work again.
Oh no, what a shame
You should put the rest on vitamins just in case (but you're probably doing that already).

Seems to be that bad things are happening all around, the guy who handles the meat counter at our local store seemed a bit down today, so I asked what's wrong. Apparently around where he lives some idiot is putting out poisoned goodies for dogs, and his lab has been at the vet clinic for two days now. I can't understand why someone would do such a thing.

On a positive note, that striped little fellow is adorable, whatever he/she is (I hope I'm not growing fond of feather dusters. We don't have space for any more chickens and people think we're odd enough just having chickens, having to explain what a Silkie is would probably be too much).

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