Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Congrats Ben & Fancy! It looks like your shiny badges go on your older posts as well.
Ben is really neglecting us now. We need our dose of Australia based chicken entertainment!

Either he's out scoring unicorn eggs to put in his incubator, or then he has finally found the Mondeo of his dreams and is finalizing the deal. Unless he's running around the continent again.
Ben is really neglecting us now. We need our dose of Australia based chicken entertainment!

Either he's out scoring unicorn eggs to put in his incubator, or then he has finally found the Mondeo of his dreams and is finalizing the deal. Unless he's running around the continent again.

Option 3 - school holidays and the boys have finally sent him over the edge. :lau
Well, since we aren't getting anything out of Ben, it is apparently my job to keep the discussion going.

How much water do your chickens consume? We have a small half liter container in the run, which barely gets touched. I check it several times a day, but usually I'd say they only consume about 3-5 dl out of it daily. They do drink a bit out of the dog bowl in the yard, but that's even less. Maybe 1 dl. The nipple waterer inside the coop is only really used by Virpi (She goes in to eat and drink a couple times a day, while the others just stick to free ranging. She's our pig, and has found a way to spread around feed from a no waste feeder, but luckily the others clean most of it up before going to bed). We do mix about a 0,5-1 liter into their mash, but they don't always finish that either. So are they really just taking care of their water intake by free ranging? I'm reading stories about people going through gallons of the stuff daily with a dozen of chickens, while ours don't seem to drink anything at all. You ozzies might not be the best demographic for this question with you sauna-like climate, but maybe the Merkans have some input in case the down underers don't. How much should 8 chickens actually drink in a day?
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