Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.


Why which bits do you mean Oz ? Oh I feel some pecker neck jokes coming on.
i am trying to keep it above the g rated line lol
Thanks for the support team. I nearly had to sit on the floor of the coop this morning to pick up the night fall......a tad tender today!

Best nights sleep I have had in a long time!

CWrite, I have raced a 50k before (much slower though) and covered the distance in training runs, but it was the first time I was at that kind of threshold pace the whole time, given the hills we had to face on the Perth course, it was the best I could do!
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Thanks for the support team. I nearly had to sit on the floor of the coop this morning to pick up the night fall......a tad tender today!

Best nights sleep I have had in a long time!

CWrite, I have raced a 50k before (much slower though) and covered the distance in training runs, but it was the first time I was at that kind of threshold pace the whole time, given the hills we had to face on the Perth course, it was the best I could do!

Ben I stand in amazement of your accomplishment. Speaks very highly of your self discipline and determination. Well done! Super example for your kidos too.
We have had a few little cockerel crows the past couple of days from the NH, but nothing yet from the Ausrtralorp, or suspect Silkie or Wylkie. They are growing so much. I will have to get some pictures of their 11th week. They spend the afternoons free ranging with the main flock where they have the most space to interact. So far, everyone seems to get along. Still a bit too early to join them full time though. WHen I run out of places to move the mobile coop it will be time, so many another week.

Averaging nearly a dozen eggs a day, last week we sold 8 dozen (a few eggs were left from the week before) but some average weather this week has maybe impacted on a slightly lower number. We now have a steady stream of buyers that all seem very happy with our eggs. A great help towards the feed bill.

To my other hobby, I was greatly helped by use of a pacer, he did a wonderful job of keeping me where I needed to be. For anyone following along who is interested in more detail of my race I wrote a race report to share with my other running mates. It was the best way I could think of to thank my pacer. I will bang it in quotes so you can skip it if you like, not remotely chicken related and kind of crazy long!

42.2km was not easy to surmise!

Alicia, Megan and I in the recovery area.
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Ben, that was a nice read, you really captured the feeling. I felt my heart racing while reading that. Good job all of you, and what a nice thing of Tony to do. I'm interested in what pace he normally runs at too.

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