Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Well the straw seems to have some benefits on the coop floor, what I miss scooping seems to disappear! I will go through the straw faster than we did sand though.

We have had some pretty nasty weather lately, and the grocery store had head of lettuce for sale for 77c, so I grabbed two and made a little cage to hang for the girls. They stayed penned up yesterday, but at least they had a treat.

The little silkie is most certainly a male, defined by his early morning crow, time to fresh my advertising campaign!
Here is the cage and some of the little lettuce heads.
Oh, and if anyone wanted to see my stupid grin I finshed that video yesterday from Sunday's trail training. It's my first GoPro vid, so it's not exactly Emmy material. Runs for 9 minutes. I won't be offended if you don't watch it hahaha [VIDEO][/VIDEO]
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Ben, beautiful scenery, and you got some cool shots with that. I especially liked the shots where you kept the camera close to the ground. And that Ozzy accent is fun to listen to. We've been watching X-factor Australia with Karin, so I'm starting to understand it a bit again, but it takes a bit of getting used to.
Ben we bought the water proof go pro a couple of years ago for the girls to wear on the cross country phase of ODE. Got great footage at state trials. You could hear the wind whistling through once they hit full gallop. Might I suggest next time that you strap it to nicks head and tell him to keep up. You'll end up with tennis elbow otherwise. Another alternative would be to put Alecia on a mountain bike and attach it to her helmut.
Here's Jess at state trials with her go pro attached.

Here is the cage and some of the little lettuce heads.
Oh, and if anyone wanted to see my stupid grin I finshed that video yesterday from Sunday's trail training. It's my first GoPro vid, so it's not exactly Emmy material. Runs for 9 minutes. I won't be offended if you don't watch it hahaha [VIDEO][/VIDEO]
Great video Ben, loved the scenery but must admit I did have the urge to call out run Forrest run a few times...:oops: ;) Yes I have an odd sense of humor.:oops:
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Ben, you could try cabbage for the chickens too, I like to tie a string to a screw, drive it into the stem of the cabbage and let it hang for them. They seem to love playing with it, it's a fun game when it swings back and forth.
Who are our resident australorpe experts?

Would love some input on quality of parent birds before buying eggs but don't know much about the breed, in particular the blue. I can pm photos to anyone who can help, as they are someone else's photos don't want to post them on here.
Ben we bought the water proof go pro a couple of years ago for the girls to wear on the cross country phase of ODE. Got great footage at state trials. You could hear the wind whistling through once they hit full gallop. Might I suggest next time that you strap it to nicks head and tell him to keep up. You'll end up with tennis elbow otherwise. Another alternative would be to put Alecia on a mountain bike and attach it to her helmut.
Here's Jess at state trials with her go pro attached.

I saw that still on the other page. Amazing shot.

I did use a head mount for two of the more dangerous descents (which look like nothing on camera) and it really bounced around on the head mount so I stuck to the pole. On a 4.5 hour run I got about 40 minutes of footage, so I was not holding it up the whole time, just when I had an idea about scenery or an angle to try, some worked better than others. Nic is really quite fast, but he burns out after about an hour, so after 2.5 hours he was not so impressed lol (he knew what he was in for!) Alicia won't rise a bike out there, terrain is too rough.
Great video Ben, loved the scenery but must admit I did have the urge to call out run Forrest run a few times...
Yes I have an odd sense of humor.
Hahahaha, I think it all the time!

Who are our resident australorpe experts?

Would love some input on quality of parent birds before buying eggs but don't know much about the breed, in particular the blue. I can pm photos to anyone who can help, as they are someone else's photos don't want to post them on here.

@CB and CG are the local people to talk too, they have excellent stock.
I saw that still on the other page. Amazing shot.

I did use a head mount for two of the more dangerous descents (which look like nothing on camera) and it really bounced around on the head mount so I stuck to the pole. On a 4.5 hour run I got about 40 minutes of footage, so I was not holding it up the whole time, just when I had an idea about scenery or an angle to try, some worked better than others. Nic is really quite fast, but he burns out after about an hour, so after 2.5 hours he was not so impressed lol (he knew what he was in for!) Alicia won't rise a bike out there, terrain is too rough.
Hahahaha, I think it all the time!

@CB and CG
 are the local people to talk too, they have excellent stock.

No worries my friend. It was not a criticism , just thought your arm must be getting awfully tired. :)

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