Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

We have not sold or ate anyone and everyone is healthy.
My chooks are usually like that too, no dramas except for the excitement of a broody hen. I tell myself boring is good.

Wow Fancy! You have a lot on your plate at the moment. Congrats to your daughter! She is doing a wonderful job with those horses giving them a second lease on life. And good luck with the magazine interview! I look forward to seeing the glossy pics.
Things have been busy round here too Ben. With hubby away for a month means I get to do his jobs too. Our girl finished 13 th out of 120 riders in the emerald series at Aus champs, not bad being as the winner was a 6 x Olympic medalist on a million dollar horse. Another week of competition then hubby comes home and flies out to WA with our eldest daughter for auditions at ECU.
Meanwhile I have an ' open garden ' next month and a magazine coming to do an article on the property. Phew and luckily the chooks are looking after themselves, though I do need to address my rooster problem. I have eggs coming out of my ears. Every visitor goes home with a dozen eggs.
My blrw has recovered from the flogging that he got, so I'll start collecting hatching eggs soon.
Have you decided on the sex of the wylkie yet ?

That is unreal all all counts (except the extra jobs, that's not always a good thing!)

Congrats to your daughter.

I am leaning towards a pullet from the Wylkie, I could be wrong but it's just not nearly as developed as the three known males. I must get some new pics when the sun comes back out over here.

The NH clearly has male feathers coming through, the BA is not quite as far along, but black on black is harder to see. The silkie is the only known regular crower, usually just early in the morning. He is so soft to hold. The Cochin is pretty, but is scared witless about humans, so she's just something to look at.

Rosie is back on the nest, has been all morning. Sigh, not long after she started to lay she has gone broody all over again!
I've been around horses all my life too , but never had the desire to compete. This boy cost $500 she's worked with him for 18 months and just been offered
$15,000 for him. She has her next ' project ' standing in the paddock waiting for her.

Sorry Ben, probably boring you with all this horsey talk.
Stunning beast, we had two horses when I was little, but we just looked after them. A nice profit for her if she accepts the offer and is prepared to part with it.

Happy to hear about The Inlet any day mate.

My chooks are usually like that too, no dramas except for the excitement of a broody hen. I tell myself boring is good.

Wow Fancy! You have a lot on your plate at the moment. Congrats to your daughter! She is doing a wonderful job with those horses giving them a second lease on life. And good luck with the magazine interview! I look forward to seeing the glossy pics.

Same here, aside from our new broody, all is going along nicely. Which suits me just fine. I do have to weed the veggie patch though and get the spring harvest in sometime soon.
Things have been busy round here too Ben. With hubby away for a month means I get to do his jobs too. Our girl finished 13 th out of 120 riders in the emerald series at Aus champs, not bad being as the winner was a 6 x Olympic medalist on a million dollar horse. Another week of competition then hubby comes home and flies out to WA with our eldest daughter for auditions at ECU.
Meanwhile I have an ' open garden ' next month and a magazine coming to do an article on the property. Phew and luckily the chooks are looking after themselves, though I do need to address my rooster problem. I have eggs coming out of my ears. Every visitor goes home with a dozen eggs.
My blrw has recovered from the flogging that he got, so I'll start collecting hatching eggs soon.
Have you decided on the sex of the wylkie yet ?

Congrats to your DD, Congrats on your upcoming Mag write-up and, Congrats on your energy level for all of this without DH to help!!

Very true Scott!

So our Rosie the RIR is once again a hard core broody. In the past we have had a couple, that once, maybe twice a day get off the nest to eat, drink and do their business, not our Rosie. Like last time she is glued to that box. She lets me pat her on the nest, and once a day I stick my hand under there to make sure she still only has two plastic eggs.

The other day I caught a bit of double decker nest box action going on with Curly the BV adamant she was going to lay in the same place that Rosie was brooding in. I had to drag her out to watch her lay an egg in the nest box next door seconds later. Now I have to make sure they are dot teaming up against me and hoarding eggs!

Last of the teen feed is almost out, maybe 2 or so days left and then we will begin seeing how everyone gets along in the main run.

Big race on Saturday.....getting nervous!
We stumbled over a name for the silkie too yesterday, after I joking was calling it the feather duster, Dusty stuck!

We have Ginger for the Cochin, yet to pick one for the Wilkie cross.

Some quick phone snaps.


Some of the gang lounging around after a feed of scratch.

I will get a better shot of the Wylkie
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Looks like a pullet, with a mean stink eye. She will be a great broody but I suggest you invest in some of those welding gloves they were discussing on the Aussie thread. If looks could kill. Is it's tail ' tenting '?
Not familiar with tenting Fancy. I am assuming that means forms a nice triangle, no bending of the tail feather like a roo's?

If so, then yes, it forms a typical pullet tail, so sign of saddle or sickle feathers. With the colour of the collar it does look a little like hackle feathers, but I think our LS were no different. Quite thin legs, smaller than the Cochin or Dusty's.

Confident we have two pullets. May also have another broody, the SPW (who took forever to lay her first egg) seems to be spending a long time on the nest next to Rosie. See how that pans out but I may have to consider getting the wire bottom cage out.

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