Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

We live in a double brick and tile house, built in the early 80's. We have air con in the house, but it really chews the power so we don't use it very often. Power prices here are just ridiculous so we try save a bit with the air.

This morning the Wylkie 'Tas' is in the nest for the first time. I suspected she laid a while back, but after not seeing another small egg I think it was not her and just someone else laying a funny egg outside the run.

This morning our little cross breed is in there making her first nest like a pro. I will get a pic of her egg for Fancy when it makes it's way to this world!
Been a while since we had an update, there has not been a great deal to report.

Tas is laying pretty much everyday, a great workhorse of tiny eggs. Ginger the Cochin is still not there, but she won't be far off I think.

Amy and her chick are doing well, very hard to get pictures of the chick, does not like to get near humans. But, so far we cannot see a tell tail early comb which is a good sign, however, the wingtips do seem to be darker than I would have expected. Still very early days.

On a negative note, this morning I found Summer (Welsummer, I know, hardly imaginative names here) in a corner. She was not interested in joining in on the food frenzy. I picked her up, which she normally lets me do and checked her over with no outward signs of harm or injury. I put her down and she went back to the fenceline to be by herself.

I am worried about her and I went to check on her after finishing up the chicken chores and found her in the same spot I found Luna passed away, huddled behind a pole. Summer was alive, but withdrawn from the flock, hopefully she is just having a down day, but I fear it's much worse for her.
Been a while since we had an update, there has not been a great deal to report.

Tas is laying pretty much everyday, a great workhorse of tiny eggs. Ginger the Cochin is still not there, but she won't be far off I think.

Amy and her chick are doing well, very hard to get pictures of the chick, does not like to get near humans. But, so far we cannot see a tell tail early comb which is a good sign, however, the wingtips do seem to be darker than I would have expected. Still very early days.

On a negative note, this morning I found Summer (Welsummer, I know, hardly imaginative names here) in a corner. She was not interested in joining in on the food frenzy. I picked her up, which she normally lets me do and checked her over with no outward signs of harm or injury. I put her down and she went back to the fenceline to be by herself.

I am worried about her and I went to check on her after finishing up the chicken chores and found her in the same spot I found Luna passed away, huddled behind a pole. Summer was alive, but withdrawn from the flock, hopefully she is just having a down day, but I fear it's much worse for her.
fingers crossed for summer
Our dear SUmmer is still with us, it's hard to tell if she is now ill or she is enjoying a nap. After quietly sitting in the run observing for some time everyone settled down for a morning nap. SOme had a dust bath but a few just laid in the cool sand and dozed, so they all kind of look like SUmmer did earlier in the morning. Only difference is, when I coughed everyone was alert, wide eyed and looking around, except Summer.

Still concerned, but I feel there is not much I can do at this point.

I also forgot to update on Rosie the RIR. He back bald patch is filling in nicely, she also lost some on one wing and around her chest, plus a heap under her crop area from when she was broody. They are all filling in with new feathers. Still have not seen any critters about the place.

Finally, I mentioned Ginger would not be far off laying, I went down to check on Summer and Ginger was missing, found her in a nest box! She did not lay though. While sitting in the run I saw her in a funny position, trying to poop but I saw her vent expose. I think that was not a poop but an egg! She stopped still for some time with a look on her face I can only describe and 'chicken shock' I know chickens can't really show emotions, but it really did look like she was thinking 'what the heck was that going on?"

I expect to find a small egg in the run later.

Amy and chick

Where I found Summer this morning, she moved out to a patch of cool dirt later.

Ginger in the nest box
She is still with us, not as bright as ever but getting around, eating and drinking.

I have not wormed them in close to a year, as I remember trying to pick a day that was not too hot to take their water away, so I probably should get onto that.

Can you tell me more about amprolium, where to get it, dosage etc? I have never used it, or any other medicine other than wormer before for that matter.

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