Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

My experience with Coryza has been with older birds. They have caught it at around 12 weeks, The vaccination recommends 1st dose at 8 weeks.

If I dont vaccinate, I get syptomatic birds - and always the ones that I need most so I have taken to keeping birds in brooders until 10 weeks, vaccinating at 8 and 11 weeks. I also give fowl cholera vaccine in between.

The lack of availability of meds in Oz can be frustrating. Maybe you can find fish meds at a pet food store. A 'merkan friend may be able to ship you a a couple of things to have in a war chest for future battles.
How close does Oz customs look at personal mail?
Pretty close!

Seems with day times on grass instead of the pine shavings we are seeing an improvement. I have still been treating with amprolium (phase 2 now)

No more losses and all but the Blue seem to have bounced back.

We are weary and still considering culling but I am hesitant after seeing an improvement.

In some good news, we have caught a few mice, I have two bucket traps and both have caught a few each. I have laid baits in the hollows under kitchen benches and any likely entry points. Fingers crossed we have made a dent in the population.
That's good to hear ben. Upper respiratory symptoms can be brought by a myriad of things, dusty environment included. I don't use shavings anymore because the stuff I was getting was way to dusty and I lost a few chicks after they ate the stuff. I know that lots of people swear by it but I guess it varies from product to product. Even rising ammonia from droppings in poorly ventilated coops can bring on upper respiratory symptoms. I know that your birds are kept in a nice clean coop , just a few examples of possible causes that's all. :) Hope your birds continue to improve for you but especially for your boys. When we come to WA I'll bring you some of my special blue laced red wyandotte eggs. ;)
All are still with us, only the BA is still showing a puffy eye. They spend the day off heat and in the penned area now, I am sure that is helping.

At the risk of jinxing myself, the young cockerel we have from Tasmania who I am sure is well over 20 weeks old now (I need to find my old calendar to be sure)...still has not figured out how to crow, not even tried. Closest he has got is a bit of a honk if the girls get a mass egg song happening. He is still with us, and still eating feed for free, but he is quiet. going to have to keep an eye out for bullseyes!

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