Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

I was reading an article on moulting and aparently egg production can be effected for anywhere between 4 and 12 weeks. :eek:
Glad to say that mine are at the lower end of that, unless of course you are unlucky enough to be experiencing bloodiness, followed by motherhood and then a moult. I'm thinking that's why my silkies lay all through winter, to make up for lost time. :)
Great to hear from you Lisa! I think ours took so long due to the amount of shade they have down there, being winter there was even less light.

A few days of sunshine and a trim of the three vines and we are up to 6 eggs today, and two didn't lay. (Still only had a max of 6 in one day)

The fridge is stocked and looks like we may even may $3 this week in sales hahaha

In other news, we had a near miss when the FIL visited yesterday and brought his very timid Shitzu cross dog along. Which when she saw the chickens she went crazy! The chooks were in their run safe and sound behind the mess and doors. Things were calming down and for some unknown reason, my 6 year old son thought it would a good time to open the coop door. NExt thing there are feathers flying, barking and chicken screaming! I had to dive on the little dog who had a mouthful of Barnevelder feathers. Poor Curly got a bit of a plucking and was later found hiding in a corner of the yard. No blood drawn but the little son certainly shed a few tears when he realised how close one of his favourite chickens came to death by his own doing.

Still don't know what he was thinking!
Still don't know what he was thinking!
Who knows. We introduced a new horse to the herd years ago and the whole herd was galloping at top speed and trying to kill each other, my show horse barged past me and out of his stall, he was still contained in the barn though and I was getting ready to catch him and put him back in his stall.... until my mom opened the gates and let him out with the rest of them....

Who knows what SHE was thinking either... he was the one that could least afford to have his hide turned into hamburger and go lame from stepping in a hole....

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