Our new babies...

awwwww.... Pretty eggs

We had 5 out of 12 hatch, one died, the 4 left are doing well and seem very strong and healthy. May still get more out of remaining eggs..will see, but not bad for first hatch eh...smiles.
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Last night we had one more hatch so now we're 6 hatched out of 12, with 5 living. Not bad for first time incubation me thinks...The reason we had low hatch rate 50%, I believe was because we have 4 females with one male per cage, never know if you are getting a fertilized egg to start with I think...Still I was impressed and so was my son who was the reason I did it in the first place..lol
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Four females per male is a good number... Were the eggs really ''empty'', unfertile, or did the embrios die in the egg?
Yes the eggs that didn't hatch were all empty except one that died with in the egg. Still I think it wasn't a bad adverage, we had 5 live out of 12 eggs. This was our first time incubating and now we know we can do it, the next hatch will be a larger number to start with, I'm thinking around 30 eggs approx. Our home made incubator can only hold so many eggs and I don't want to be spending all my time turning eggs..lol. Will see though, I was quite happy with the turn out and the chicks are doing well in there home made brooder now so hopefully they do well till either they become egg layers or meat birds or breeders...smiles!
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