Our newest addition!


11 Years
Nov 6, 2008
Southwestern PA
My new naptime buddy. He is two months old. I haven't thought of a name yet, but I call him Flower for now or Nibbler. We have a good friend that raises them and he was too cute to pass up, well all three were cute, but we decided on this little guy.



Is he black and white? I thought only brown and white could be owned as pets. When I worked at my last job at a vet clinic, we had a client with two brown and white ones. He loved them and took great care of them, and they were neat. It was amusing to go back to the cages to get them out for their exams and have them stomp at you.
In all my research I never heard that about the colors. But it could just be a local/state law. Kind of like in NJ you can't own wild colored corn snakes, even if they are captive bred.
I do not know all the details of the law, but it does make sense that it could be the case that only the non wild colors could be kept, since it is guaranteed to not have been wild caught. As mentioned earlier we are good friends with the guy who raises them and according to him all you need to own one as a pet is a permit issued by the breeder. Similar to the migratory birds in that the breeder needs all the permits, you just need to have proof that it was not wild caught. For some reason I think the same also goes for raccoons. It is surprising though since PA is a real pain in regards to keeping wild animals as pets and generally do not know their own laws. I had a similar conversation with a guy today at a bird sale and had to edit it a bit. Sorry for the tangent but, obviously the law was not passed that banned the owning of them, luckily for me.
Thanks everyone I have always wanted one. Yeah he is de-scented. He just needs to get neutered in October. Luckily the vet that deals with skunks is already the vet I m currently going to.

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