Outdoor Wood Furnace question for any owners of one ( any type).

Rooster Ray

15 Years
Nov 20, 2008
South West Michigan
I am thinking of buying an outdoor wood furnace before winter this year but was looking for any information anyone has on them. I have read a lot of websites and they all claim to have the best one but I was hoping some of my friends on here might have one and give me some honest help in buying one. Which brand you have what you like and what you might not like about it how long it burns basically any real answers you might have any help would be very much appreciated. I live in southern Michigan if that matters to anyone. Thanks. for your help.
I have one of these outdoor wood burners and just love it. I can give you a website for the type of burner we have and also a phone number for the guy we deal with he can probably give you all the info you need. Also be able to set you up with someone in michigan. Our stove heats both our house and my sister-in-laws house plus our water. We fill it once in the morning and again at night. My brother put one in at my moms house and he fills once a day. I would never go back to a regular furnance. I will pm you his info. By the way ours is a Central Boiler. It weel worth it if you have a wood supply. Kim
We have a Central Boiler, too. The outdoor wood furnace supplies hot water to the house. As we have radiant floor (water) heat, the furnace supplies our heat as well. Our radiant floor heat was incorrectly installed, so we were burning through oil like crazy. What a difference it made burning wood. We shut it down in April, so now we're using oil for the hot water. But still, it's a major improvement. Also, we live on nearly fifty acres of Tree Farm Assessed land so we have access to our own wood and rounding up the wood helps with meeting the requirements of the assessment.

The furnace gets topped off in the morning and at night. I usually check it when I get home from work in the afternoon.

Many townships are planning on legislation to outlaw the outdoor wood furnace. Before you go ahead and make the major purchase, I'd look into the law in your town. You are supposed to get a permit to install it, and you need plumbing and electrical work done as well.

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