Oxytetracycline dose (tbsp / tsp)

oh gosh, now I'm really confused......I made a couple of posts, then kept reading down thru the thread.  Do I have this right??  You guys finally settled on 1.25 teaspoons of the Oxytet podwer to one quart of water?? 

I'm treating a hen, she weighs about 5 pounds I guess.  I know I'm not supposed to eat eggs from her, but she stopped laying when I found her injured, so when I put her back out in the coop with the others I will put her in a small cage so I can collect HER eggs and throw them away, for how long should I do this.  ??

I have the exact same 10 gm bag as whats shown in post #3 with the pic of the cows, sheep, pigs etc on the front. 

anxiousy waiting......

Can you do me a huge favor? Can you measure out the number of tablespoons in your package?

yea she was injured when I found her in the morning. They'd all come down from the roost and this particular hen wasn't walking around, and she had blood coming from her comb. I picked her up and put her in the nest box to keep her from the others, but the next day she was out again, so I got a small cage, big enough she can stand up and turn around but just barely that, I kept her in that till I noticed she wasn't opening one eye. No wonder she was getting pecked, she couldn't see it coming. Then I started the Oxytet after a few more days cuz I didn't know what to do, I figured open wound and bleeding and dirty beeks of dirty chickens pecking at her. Friends on facebook said I could get antibiotics at TSC so I went there.
I also put her in my kitchen sink and laid a warm wet cloth on her head to soften the dried blood and get it off her so it wouldn't be tempting to the others. It's slowly come off. Whatever was causing her to not want to get up and walk around has gone away. I've taken her by herself out on the driveway and let her peck at some birdseed while I hung clothes on the line etc. Shes mobile again. But she's had a rattly sounding breathing and was sneezing too. I wasn't sure if blood had gotten into her sinus area or if she had a real cold of some sort. Ive also put some Vet Rx on her comb, wattles and beak and a little into her water after I found out I was giving way too much anti-bio. Today, NO MEDS of any sort. She's eating good, had treats, apples, parsley, tiny bits of bread etc....
The eye she was holding closed has opened and appears clear now. I think it may have been stuck shut from the blood. One morning tho her eye had a lot of clear fluid in it, bordering on whitish and slightly thick.
[COLOR=008000]Kathy, I measured 22 TBL, I used some, maybe up to a Tbl and a half at most. [/COLOR]

Interesting... The last person that measured it for me got 20. This is why I hate powders, lol. So I'll add your number to my data and do a little math based on it. :D

Preliminary info based on your count, the 800 mg dose is 5.7 teaspoons per gallon. Need to double check my math, but it looks pretty close.

this Thread is so confusing. Now what is the higher dosage per gallon? for mature chickens.....
is 1 7/8 tsp per quart okay?????
yall got me confused as heck
now I see where the old pics are "x" out.........
I WILL ask again what is the higher dosage of the ox powder? is 1 7/8 tsp per quart good?????
IF this doent work what broad spectrum is my next choice ?
Getting more soft eggs everyday and looks like more are losing weight and more runny poo with UNDIGESTED STUFF IN it.........
thank yall

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