Painting the duck house

Ok I have been painting for hours and it's still not finished but it's looking pretty :D what do you think?

Lucky5101 did you choose a colour yet? My kids chose blue and green and I was allowed to find shades of said colours that I actually liked :)

Jenniemig a lavender house sounds beautiful. Do you have any pictures?



Love it! Very pretty!

Well, when I asked my kids what color we should make it, my daughter said pink, purple, blue, yellow, red, green and orange Lol. My son likes blue and green. I'm going to Lowes one day this week so I'm going to look and see what they have, and go from there. It's suppose to be in the 60s all week here, so I'm hoping to get the supplies and start building too :)
probably good idea to choose an acrylic for the inside at least.
I find my ducks tend to nibble at the timber, acrylics are usually less toxic than enamels

Good idea. They try to nibble on their home now, so I imagine they probably will when they are outside too Lol.
Ok I have been painting for hours and it's still not finished but it's looking pretty
what do you think?

Lucky5101 did you choose a colour yet? My kids chose blue and green and I was allowed to find shades of said colours that I actually liked

Jenniemig a lavender house sounds beautiful. Do you have any pictures?

It looks great!

Due to horrible rainy weather I haven't gotten the lavender on yet, just primer. I'll post pics when it's finished;-)
I was just about to post a thread about painting the house. I'm concerned about the paint chipping over time and the ducks eating the paint chips. At the moment I'm using a old small coop that was handed down to me for my Pekin and due to the hot/cold weather, the paint is starting to chip off of it. Therefore, I'm getting rid of it and in the process of building a new coop. It's not very comfortable knowing that she may very likely peck away at the chips.

I could understand painting the outside of a coop, but painting anything inside with paint that's toxic to ducks isn't a bright idea. Ducks swallow almost anything. Also what may be so called, "non toxic" doesn't mean it should be eaten.

Common sense people. Don't paint in areas where they can peck at the paint.
Actually, it was looking very pretty. You have used the amazing color combination. It would be good if you paint on both the side. You can also use kwal paint for better finishing. You can navigate to this website for more information on painting ideas.

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