Pallet shed to coop conversion.


6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
Syracuse, NY
I'm converting a pallet made shed that my mother in law has in her yard into a coop for my chicks. I would like some feedback and hopefully an answer to some of my questions.

OK, here is my general floor plan. I am not using the entire shed as I would like to keep an area open for food storage, garden tools and other things.

Now, my questions:

Chicken door to the run, I see that for most of the coop designs these are raised. Is there a specific reason? if so is there a height?

Nesting boxes, I know that they shouldn't be right on the floor but what height will be good for both hens and future chicks?

Flooring, right now there is no floor. The shed was built over bare dirt on railroad ties. What should I do for floor?

Sorry about all the questions.

Also, the red square in the middle is a support beam.
Raised coops is to help against predators digging underneath it. Flooring plywood is good with linoleum over it. Next can be on floor or if you raise them I see alot of times people put ramp up to them

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