pallet tractor


9 Years
May 12, 2012
houston, tx
I'm building my girls a tractor/brooder (a broctor) for their broilers (incomming). I am using 2 pallets that measure 4x5ft I plan on having it 2.5-3ft tall. Would I be able to raise chicks in this first broctor and then trans the over stock to a new tractor when they out grow? Or will the first be enough since they will only be in there for a short time before they are harvested?
I am also making plans for a tall coop for our longtailed fowl. That coops measurements are 4dX8hX5w there will be a pair of yokohamas in one pen and a pair of sumatras in a seperate ajoining pen. In my mind that's enough room but I'm doubting that. Would I need to make them longer or wider? I was thinking about making it "L" shaped and angling the screening down to give a bit more flight room.
Please critique my plans as I am building my vrey first coop! All my previous flocks have used a shed or gutted garage as their coop. Gramps never had an empty house! Henhouse that is.

Forgot to state the # of broilers to be housed in the tractor is 10.
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I'm having trouble picturing how the two pallets would be oriented to form a "broctor". If you had four and were doing them in a square, that would be plenty of room for 10 broilers but I can't picture how the two will enclose them...
I demo'd the pallets leaving a frame for the top and bottom. The 2x4s taken from the process are 5' in length. I was going to cut those down to 2.5' to get my 4 posts to finish framing the tractor. There will be hardwire 1/2" mesh surounding the facing I wanted to use the planks (1x6) to make a back wall and to cover the top. 1 pallet I'm guessing weighed over 80+#! So I figured it would make an exelent lid to keep nosey pets out.

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