Parasites in Pets - Contains Graphic Pictures and Videos

WOW! No gloves and no shoes, that is beyond disgusting! Hope they got some Drontal on board!
:lau:lau Thanks for pointing out the bare feet- I did not even notice! I was so focused on that mess coming out - now I need to go wash my hands and feet. I swear I must wash my hands a hundred times a day:sick:sick:sick
That was awesome video Kathy! Two thumbs up there. I've never seen anything like that and I don't really want

First thing I saw was that "no gloves" were being used.
And then I saw her bare feet.:th To each their own...I require washable

Just off the top of my head, do you know what the life cycle is to have that type/size of tapeworms present in those puppies? The puppies look in surprisingly good shape with that type of worm load. That looked quite uncomfortable for the poor pup.

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