Parrots outdoors?

I don't know about every thing needed to create a safe, outdoor aviary for parrots, but we kept my cockatiel in a green-house type enclosure outside, and he seemed MUCH happier there than in his cage in the house. While you do need to be careful about the types of wood used, and wire, don't overthink it too much!
I have a macaw and take her out daily weather permitting. However I wouldn’t ever dream of her living outside. She’s part of the family. She even eats when we eat lol. She will yell for food lol
There should be lots of information to find on outdoor aviaries-- lots of people do them! I think more often larger parrots tend to be the ones kept outside, but I'm sure little parakeets can stay outside too, if you build the cage right to prevent escapes and predators.
I would recommend an outdoor aviary, and you could put better latches to keep it safe. But I would never put your bird out there for long periods of time, and I would always watch them when you do put them out.
Keep the smaller birds in keets don't go outside because it is unsafe lots of big birds to eat them same with medium sized birds like tiels
I have seen budgies kept in outdoor aviaries in Germany (and they get decently cold in wintet). But there they set it up so there was a very nice outdoor flight cage/aviary that attached to a shed. They clearly also had a good sized indoor aviary inside the shed. The 2 were connected with a pop door type arrangement that was kept closed in winter time. That arrangement might be nice for you too, but the inside aviary part wouldn't be for cold weather, but to protect the birds during bad storms and hurricanes.

There are lots of choices for outdoor parrot keeping for people in warm weather. But... do always keep in mind all of the things that you need to keep OUT of the aviary. Snakes can be particularly troublesome.
i have two caique that live indoors but we have an outside aviary for them, they go outside every day when the weather is nice, they love it.

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