Partial debeaking recovery?

Gold Rush

In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2020
I had a dog manage to get to the beaks of two chickens when they would poke their beaks through the fence. One lost it's top beak and the other lost it's bottom beak. This was about three weeks ago. Both seem able to eat and drink, but how long will it take them to grow new beaks, if at all? TIA
Pics of beaks, please.

Hard to say if they will grow back or not.

Here is a pic of the one missing the top beak. Seems fine, just harder to get food.
Here is a pic of the one missing the top beak. Seems fine, just harder to get food.
That is not going to grow back.

She's not going to make it. Feathers and bones........can't get enough nourishment. She will expire in a day or two.
If you don't want to tube feed her, yes she is likely to die.
Might be better to euthanize...keepers have to make hard but best choices/decisions.
The one with only a top beak has survived and is well nourished, but we have to feed her watered down feed (mush) that she can scoop up and eat with her beak and tongue.

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