Partridge Colour Associated With Gender?


11 Years
Sep 10, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I hatched some eggs from a friend and am trying to figure out breeds based on individual characteristics.

Is this colour referred to as partridge? And if so, is it usually associated with female birds?

What breed has yellow-green legs?

Chicks on far left and middle top:

Green legs are usually associated with easter eggers. It looks as though you have 2 rhode island red cockerels, 2 easter egger cockerels (the 2 multicolored with red feathers), and I'm not sure about other 3.
It's not partridge, it's just a mixed color silver based bird.

Looks like a barnyard mix to me. Green legs often show up in mulit-generational mixes. Easter egger blood is by far the most common. Jersey Giants also have willow green legs.

What breeds did your friend have?
Grub Digger, how did you determine the two with reddish colours are EE? BTW, there are only 6 chicks (the bigger blue one is the hen who hatched them - she's a blue copper marans). There are two red, two with red, and two white and darkish barring.

Donrae, my friends have PB Columbia Rock, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Transylvanian Naked Necks, Silkies (& maybe other things - they aren't great about keeping records). They also have Easter Eggers and something that looks like a Bielefelder and of course, crosses of the above.

Two of those chicks have what look like a pouff, one has lightly feathered legs and another has 5 toes - all Silkie features. All of the chicks hatched came from brown eggs, though they do have some EE hens/roos.

The two red ones look like RIR.

What do you think the white and barred ones are? One has a white head/neck the other barred.

Any guesses as to gender? They are 6 wks old today (I'll try to get better photos)

Thanks for your help.
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None of them are pure bred birds. You have classic barnyard mixes. You may be able to narrow down some ancestry from distinctive traits like the Silkie features, but overall, they're mixed breed birds.
hi all,

i am under no illusion that these are purebred chicks. some of their parents are. i am just trying to figure out what kind of crosses they might be based on features (e.g. pouff, 5 toes, green legs, feathered legs). i am also looking for opinions as to the sex of any of the chicks. thanks

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