Paste what you last copied!

Well I was expecting to get something boring but instead it's something random.

How the Oldest Game is played...

Twice in the last two days -two different people- suggested that when you play the Oldest game you can A. Just skip to Hope at the start of the game and the gam is over. And that B. Hope is always the winning move.

Hope is "A" winning move. It's not the "Only" winning move.

Had Lucifer stuck with defensive moves instead of offensive Morpheus would not have been able to use hope.

Also you cannot start with Hope Notice how Lucifer says, at the start of the game "I'll set the meter."

Meter means rhythm or pacing. In this case that means you can only "one up" the person slightly with something just silghtly bigger or better than what they chose.

If Lucifer had said "I am a butterfly."

The response of "I am Hope" is an invalid move.

The game is not one of brute force. It's one of creativity and imagination.

Chess has rules too. You can't win at chess by smashing the game board with your fist.

Here’s how the game usually works. The challenged usually gets to make the first move. They pick a form or a spell and it is usually non-lethal. You’re supposed to start small and build up to bigger / more imposing things. The battle follows TBL (Turn based Logic) like in a tabletop or online text based role playing game. So the Dungeons and Dragons comparison isn’t actually wrong so much as it’s not quite the right role playing game. (Yes, I AM a nerd. Thank you for noticing.)

After the first move is made the opponent may take the hit and then make an offensive move (attack) in return or instead of taking the hit, they can make a defensive counter move to avoid taking the hit but in doing so the person loses the opportunity to make a offensive move. If you’re clever you can sometimes get away with a single move that does both but that is tricky. So the choice is usually take damage and attack or protect from damage and not attack until the next turn. The game is usually about “one upping” the opponent so you go for something slightly bigger and better than what they used.

In some versions of the game you are allowed to defend yourself and then make an attack move during the same turn so you don’t have to make the choice of defense or attack. In both variations, if you’re clever enough you can come up with a combo of attack and defense in one move but that’s rare.

Usually it’s like this. If your opponent throws a magical dart, you can create a shield or shoot a similar projectile but in some variations you can do both if you can pull it off in a single concept (like creating an armored knight holding a sword and shield). If the rival turned into a rat, you can turn into a cat. Hopefully you get the idea. You can’t go too big too fast or the creativity and strategy the game is known for is lost. It’s a game of wits and creativity after all, not really brute force.

Recently I have seen some people try to argue that during the Lucifer and Morpheus version of the duel that Despair can kill Hope and that Lucifer could have won if she was willing to say she is Despair. No, that may have just caused an unhappy stalemate because pretty much everything that can destroy Hope can also be destroyed by Hope. Hope kills Despair as surely as Despair kills Hope. They are two sides of the same coin after all. It would just be an infinite loop at that point.

But this post is about skipping straight to Hope.

1. No, you can't. That's like beating an ant with a nuclear bomb. It's too extreme and would violate the game's "Meter."

2. If Lucifer had used defensive moves instead of offensive, Hope may never have been applicable.

The game is always different depending on the players and what ideas they come up with. So no, Hope is not always the winning move.

If you have an opponent who always picks scifi movie characters, Hope would never be applicable. Hope is not the right move against Spock.

If you have someone who picks shields and other defensive instead of offensive implements, Hope probably would never fit.

If the game is played correctly, you can't just skip to Hope like a Mario warp zone of cheat code.
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 Thats legit!
About Welsh Harlequin Ducks

Welsh Harlequin Ducks originated in 1949 by Leslie Bonnet, a Wales duck breeder. This duck was imported to the United States in 1968 but did not become for sale until 1984 due to the small flocks. They are a descendant of the Khaki Campbell Duck. Welsh Harlequin ducks were admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 2001. They are listed as “critical” by The Livestock Conservancy.

The Welsh Harlequin ducks are very colorful. The drakes have green, white, silvery-white, gray, and greenish-black. The ducks have white, fawn, brownish-gray, black, dark brown, iridescent blue, and reddish-brown. The patterns of the colors are very complex from the head to the tail. The ducklings are very easy to sex because the males have a darker bill and the females have a lighter bill with dark spots on the top.

Welsh Harlequin ducks are good back yard ducks and are being shown at many poultry shows throughout the USA. These ducks are active foragers and adapt to their area easily. They are capable of producing 240-300 eggs per year. All of these traits make the Welsh harlequin an outstanding farm and garden duck. This breed of duck also plucks as easy as white birds and has excellent lean meat.

The Welsh Harlequin duck is a great choice for less-skilled breeders. They are one of the few ducks that will sit on, hatch, and nurture a nest of ducklings. When choosing your breeder flocks pick the birds that are the best egg layers, robust in size, and most active.

Duck Facts:

  • Female Weight: 5 lbs
  • Male Weight: 5 1/2 lbs
  • Egg Production: 240-300 Per Year
  • Personality: Calm, Docile
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Flying Capability: Poor
The real things haven’t changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder

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