Pasty Butt in chicks


Apr 20, 2020
Hello all!

I'm still struggling with pasty butt in my chicks! I backed off brooder temp (it's roughly 85 now/ also kind of scared they are too cold because of dog piles). and am making sure my chicks vents stay CLEAN. I lost a chick to this a couple days ago. They are 6 days old now. One is acting funny, she's skinny and weaker than the others. Had runny stools yesterday (still eating and drinking). No coccidia that I know of. (no bloody stools). But I'm picking up some Corid just in case. How often do y'all have failure to thrive chicks? I started with 20 chicks, I'm down to 19... might be 18 by tomorrow depending on little girl.

I look forward to reading y'all's answers!
What you are feeding them could be a contributing factor. It might be an adequate feed for some chicks, but not others. Have you always used the same feed and gotten your chicks of the same breed and from the same place?
What you are feeding them could be a contributing factor. It might be an adequate feed for some chicks, but not others. Have you always used the same feed and gotten your chicks of the same breed and from the same place?
My chicks all came from Rural King(Hoovers hatchery ) it’s a medicated chick starter, I’ll look at the brand.
What you are feeding them could be a contributing factor. It might be an adequate feed for some chicks, but not others. Have you always used the same feed and gotten your chicks of the same breed and from the same place?
They are also different breeds/ but sick chick is buff Orpington and the other buffs are doing just fine.
Hello all!

I'm still struggling with pasty butt in my chicks! I backed off brooder temp (it's roughly 85 now/ also kind of scared they are too cold because of dog piles). and am making sure my chicks vents stay CLEAN. I lost a chick to this a couple days ago. They are 6 days old now. One is acting funny, she's skinny and weaker than the others. Had runny stools yesterday (still eating and drinking). No coccidia that I know of. (no bloody stools). But I'm picking up some Corid just in case. How often do y'all have failure to thrive chicks? I started with 20 chicks, I'm down to 19... might be 18 by tomorrow depending on little girl.

I look forward to reading y'all's answers!
Try to make sure they are drinking lukewarm-warm water if possible and not cold water. That little tip helped me a lot with pasty butt issues when I first started getting chicks. If you can isolate the weaker/sick chicks that is always a good idea. Nutridrench is good to have on hand. Also you can always put some electrolytes in the water (like save-a-chick) - but don't overuse it!! (You can buy nutridrench and save-a-chick on amazon if you can't find them at a local feed store).
You know what ! That might be it . I wasn’t even thinking about the temperature of the water! I also use hydro-hen 3 in 1 . ^
You know what ! That might be it . I wasn’t even thinking about the temperature of the water! I also use hydro-hen 3 in 1 . ^
Warm water made a big difference for me with my baby chicks! Don't overdo the electrolytes or things like hydro-hen because that can backfire on you and actually cause pasty butt. When I first got chicks I used electrolytes right away and I swear that is what caused the pasty butt. Now when we get chicks, we skip the electrolytes and use warm water. I swear that has made all the difference. If I have a very weak or sick chick, I isolate her and give her electrolytes (save-a-chick) or nutridrench in a separate waterer, and they survive. This is just my experience of course - it might not be the same for everyone.
Warm water made a big difference for me with my baby chicks! Don't overdo the electrolytes or things like hydro-hen because that can backfire on you and actually cause pasty butt. When I first got chicks I used electrolytes right away and I swear that is what caused the pasty butt. Now when we get chicks, we skip the electrolytes and use warm water. I swear that has made all the difference. If I have a very weak or sick chick, I isolate her and give her electrolytes (save-a-chick) or nutridrench in a separate waterer, and they survive. This is just my experience of course - it might not be the same for everyone.
All these tips are super helpful thank you ! I’ll lay off of the hydro-hen and see if that helps! I will also isolate miss girl if she’s still acting funny tonight. THANKYOU🤍
Warm water made a big difference for me with my baby chicks! Don't overdo the electrolytes or things like hydro-hen because that can backfire on you and actually cause pasty butt. When I first got chicks I used electrolytes right away and I swear that is what caused the pasty butt. Now when we get chicks, we skip the electrolytes and use warm water. I swear that has made all the difference. If I have a very weak or sick chick, I isolate her and give her electrolytes (save-a-chick) or nutridrench in a separate waterer, and they survive. This is just my experience of course - it might not be the same for everyone.
I also read something about egg yolk.. could that be helpful as well ?

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