Peacock x Chicken hybrid.

How would someone go about doing this

I think it'd be like the opposite of a bantam rooster trying to breed a standard sizes hen - if they can do the "cloacal kiss" and sperm is deposited, it can work. But a peacock is a lot bigger than a standard chicken, so I think that'd be your only concern is if the meeting of their vents took place.

Otherwise, definitely artificial insemination.
That appears to be a chicken with something medically wrong with it, I dont see anything that would suggest it's a chicken/duck hybrid
I absolutely agree, and I see nothing about it that looks like a duck. Just because it walks and stands different doesn’t mean it’s a hybrid. It’s probably deformed or injured
Regarding the chicken x duck hybrid, my old rooster (now gone) used to tread my ducks everyday. When the eggs were cracked open to be cooked the white dot was often present indicating a fertilised egg. Whether they would hatch or not though is another matter but the fertilisation can and does take place

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