Peacock x Chicken hybrid.

Regarding the chicken x duck hybrid, my old rooster (now gone) used to tread my ducks everyday. When the eggs were cracked open to be cooked the white dot was often present indicating a fertilised egg. Whether they would hatch or not though is another matter but the fertilisation can and does take place
Don't chickens and ducks have entirely different reproductive systems?
Obviously these pictures aren't all encompassing or perfectly scientifically accurate, but I don't see how that could work....
Different in some ways but it seems possible .

Chickens and ducks aren't related, so they can't breed. The white dot on an egg doesn't always mean it's fertilized, it's just a blastocyst** on the yolk that can be fertilized. Chickens and turkeys are in the same family but they can't reproduce either. 🤷‍♀️ The chicks start developing and then just die.

Swans, ducks and geese fall in the same family and can probably reproduce together. No idea if anyone's tried but it's an option.

** Blastodisc, or a germinal disc. My bad.
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Yes, I understand that every egg has a blastodisc and when it is fertilised it changes shape and appearance, it becomes a blastoderm and the eggs in question were blastoderm. When the cockerel was removed within a week or two the eggs reverted back to the blastodisc state

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