Pearl White Leghorn Question???????


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 20, 2007
Mid - Michigan
We have 13 chickens one of them ordered was a white leghorn. They are all about 25 weeks old and we have not gotten a white egg yet. We now get between 9 and 11 eggs a day with the most being 12. They are all light brown to dark brown in color. I guess my concern is this????

Are White leghorn has just starting not being able to walk and after 25 weeks old and still no white egg we thought she was egg bound. We called the Vet and they said to put her in a dark warm place alone to see if she would produce oxytocin to help her contrat out the egg if she was bound. We have been checking in on her often and the last time we went out there I moved her and found a brown egg under her. We also stood her up to see if she could walk and it was slightly better then earlier in the day, but still not well. And she also had a very large poo........................OK the issue is we can not be for certain that the brown egg was not in the nest before we placed her in it, but we know that our daughter picked up all the eggs and my DW doesn't think it was there before we put her in there.

?????? Has anyone known of a white leghorn to lay a brown egg ???????

The large amount of poo makes me believe that she is not egg bound.

Sorry for typing a book but just worried about my daughters favorite chicken.
Silkiechicken beat me to it! I was going to ask if you were sure it wasn't a White Rock. I have 5 week olds and cannot tell the Leghorn (Pearl White) from the Rocks. Does your chicken has white or red earlobes?
After you said that it could be a white rock I looked up some picture of them and they do look alike. When I ordered my chicks I ordered 1 white leghorn but maybe they goofed up. Because I did get a Easter egg layer when I didn't order one, so I do get a blue egg every day or so.

She does have white ear lobes........!!!!!
I would think a leghorn would look scrawny next to a rock. My leghorns are much thinner/streamlined compared to my barred rocks. Although they're only about 4wks old now.
I would think so too!

I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out who is what. My DH and I keep trying to guess, but they really DO look alike. Mine are from a hatchery so I think the conformation may not be the best, but we are looking at everything from comb developement and head shape to body type can't find any real differences. We breed show dogs, so we're somewhat adept at finding subtle differences in structure and type, so this is really throwing us for a loop!
Maybe if they were from better quality stock it wouldn't be so hard to tell them apart at this age!!!

Would you be able to post a picture? Maybe someone with more experience with Leghorns can solve your mystery!
Here are some bad pics of my leghorns, all of laying age.

Her head

A better view of the body, the other girls in there are sexlinks, RIR, or BR, which are pretty much what the body shape of a white rock would be... hatchery style of course.

One thing that stands out to me, is the devlopment of a thin fan or pointy shaped tail, rather than a "wedge" shape of the others. However, as chicks... the only defining characteristics are a thinner head, easily put into freak out spazes, and slim conformations.

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