Pekin drake not mating


Aug 8, 2022
Hi, I have a group of 4 females and 1 male Pekin ducks. I have them separated in their own pen right now for the last little bit since I have been collecting their eggs for hatching, I put a dozen of their eggs in the incubator, and a week later I found that almost 10 of them never started developing, only a couple of my pekin eggs did and even 15 of my other ducks eggs are developing too in the same incubator as them. And my Pekin drake I have with the female pekins, I have only seen him mate with one of the females numerous times, but he never mates with my other female pekins. Should I start looking for a replacement drake for him? Or what could I do in this situation, thank you in advance!
So he has a favorite Pekin hen that he's mating but is ignoring the others? Drakes often do have a favorite so as long as he's not abusing her, it should be OK. What I would try first is remove his favorite from the pen for a day ans moniter. Most drakes are pretty randy so I would be surprised if he could resist his other lady friends at that point.
Do they have a pool with water deep enough to make mating easier? Pekins are so heavy that mating is less awkward and easier for them to accomplish in the water.
So he has a favorite Pekin hen that he's mating but is ignoring the others? Drakes often do have a favorite so as long as he's not abusing her, it should be OK. What I would try first is remove his favorite from the pen for a day ans moniter. Most drakes are pretty randy so I would be surprised if he could resist his other lady friends at that point.
Do they have a pool with water deep enough to make mating easier? Pekins are so heavy that mating is less awkward and easier for them to accomplish in the water.
Yes they do have a pool of water all the time, but when I do see him mating with his favourite hen, they usually do it outside of the pool, Lol. I will remove his favourite and hopefully he will start making all the other eggs fertile. He is pretty much the same shape/weight as my other pekins so I don’t think it’s that he’s to small for them.
Yes they do have a pool of water all the time, but when I do see him mating with his favourite hen, they usually do it outside of the pool, Lol. I will remove his favourite and hopefully he will start making all the other eggs fertile. He is pretty much the same shape/weight as my other pekins so I don’t think it’s that he’s to small for them.
Ugh! My problem is over mating!! If you lived in Louisiana I would give you a male that would love to mate with your girls! Lol

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