Pekin duck broody at 21 weeks


7 Years
Jun 15, 2012
Got no response to my post elsewhere, so thought I'd try this. Have a young lady at 21-22 weeks who thinks she wants to be a momma. She has been nesting for a few days now, building a beautiful round nest in the dog crate, setting most of the day on some eggs have left for her. She tends her nest, it is immaculate and perfect. She allows the others to come in and lay, and I remove them as needed. I mark the ones that I leave. How many should I allow her, and what are my chances at this time of year? If it fails, I won't be too upset, but she impresses me, pretty loyal to her unhatched. Would hate to take away from her motherly instinct, and at what point would I separate her from the flock of 13? Yes, the drake is quite active, will candle in a few days, sure there are fertile ones there. Pekin not jumbo by the way. All the girls same age and laying, and drake nails all of them each day.
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I dont really know the answer to your question as I have one female ( 41/2 months) laying too and one male. I am just leaving mine together..? Are we supposed to separate them?

My female built a beautiful lil nest cute. She lays on the eggs at night.

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