Pekin Duck Club!

Not the best pic, but Aflac was more interested in eating peas than posing for the camera. He has 4 EEs and Swedish duck for companions. He's the biggest of all of them - 5.5 pounds when I weighed him last week (6ish weeks old). Still very flighty even though I try to handle him daily. Super messy (I guess that's a duck thing) and he squawks constantly when you are out there. Almost more of a honk than a quack.

Not the best pic, but Aflac was more interested in eating peas than posing for the camera. He has 4 EEs and Swedish duck for companions. He's the biggest of all of them - 5.5 pounds when I weighed him last week (6ish weeks old). Still very flighty even though I try to handle him daily. Super messy (I guess that's a duck thing) and he squawks constantly when you are out there. Almost more of a honk than a quack.
I Love the name! Quack-Quack goes crazy for peas too, he'll pass over the carrots for the peas and lettuce.

Well, Quack-Quack is 8 weeks old now, closer to 9 really. We still do not know the sex of Quack-Quack. He/She does not relly chirp any more but has more of a whistle or at times a raspy little bark it almost sounds like. Most of the tail feathers have a little curl but I also know that these will soon be gone and replaced with the adult ones. I'm not counting on being to tell the sex until around June or July (4-5 months). He/She has out grown the carrier bag I bought and we have since gotten a pet stroller.
We went to the store with Quack-Quack just sitting in my lap (instead of being in the carrier) for the first time this lst weekend and he/she FREAKED OUT, would've climbed up in to my hair if he/she could have but we settled on just the head being hidden, hoping this will get better the more rides we take. Nice and relaxed for the second ever ride in the stroller. I will be receiving a bicycle trailer soon ( I am hoping he/she will not freak out like in the car) along with a walking harness (already have a leash) and we will be going to the park to sit by the river and eat bugs and things at the creek. I am looking forward to the weather being nice and getting out and exploring new things. My fiancee is anxious to get to a lake to go fishing and this summer go swimming with Quack-Quack.
I know there will come a time when we can not bring Quack-Quack with us like when we go out ot eat or out for a few drinks, so how do we get Quack-Quack to feel O.K. bout us leaving for a while? or should we find a duck sitter? And when does the bill get to be the same color as the feet?

Quack-Quck is the ONLY pet in the house. We live in a good sized apartment with a small yard. I have heard that I can leave him alone but should only do this for a couple hours at a time. We have been talking about a "Duck Sitter" if we should ever be gone for longer, there are a few people that Quack-Quack is familar with. I am curious to know what Denver Ducky does with Soelei (how do you spell it?) and what Puddles momma is doing.
I am looking very forward to going to the park, swimming, and camping with him this year. Our children are grown and I am a housewife with bad back and can not work. "Duck! There's a Goose in the House" is a very good book for those who have inside Duckies and Geese, even for those who just want to know more about them. It was written by the Gooses Mother (Nancy Townsend). Being such a prey animal has got me being a VERY protective mom. My fiancee laughs at me but I won't go out the front door unless he is getting in the stroller. I want to let him roam the front for a bit but I won't do it until the harness and leash get here, back yard only for now unless we are going bye-bye
I rarely leave Soleil alone, she goes to my doctors appointments, pharmacy, kids school, day trips and road trips. There are people out there who duck sit or "Feather Sit", theres even a group dedicated to it on FB hah. Remember to keep your head up, not everyone on BYC thinks ducks should be treated as pets. There are a bunch of us who know the wonderful feeling of ducky cuddles and don't have a problem spoiling their duck any more than someone with a dog :)

Not the best pic, but Aflac was more interested in eating peas than posing for the camera. He has 4 EEs and Swedish duck for companions. He's the biggest of all of them - 5.5 pounds when I weighed him last week (6ish weeks old). Still very flighty even though I try to handle him daily. Super messy (I guess that's a duck thing) and he squawks constantly when you are out there. Almost more of a honk than a quack.
Welcome! What a cutie :) My duck Soleil loves peas too!
We have a 7ish week old Pekin...any way to tell yet if it is a boy or a girl?
The fastest way is by the quack... girls are loud - the boys are more of a raspy, whispery quack. Later you can tell by the tail feathers; the drake will have obvious curled up tail feathers.

Not the best pic, but Aflac was more interested in eating peas than posing for the camera. He has 4 EEs and Swedish duck for companions. He's the biggest of all of them - 5.5 pounds when I weighed him last week (6ish weeks old). Still very flighty even though I try to handle him daily. Super messy (I guess that's a duck thing) and he squawks constantly when you are out there. Almost more of a honk than a quack.
Peas are still my girls' ultimate favorite - they practically attack me for those. Is Aflac a Jumbo? My Jumbo "Ping" has more of a honk while my standard Pekin has a quack.

I rarely leave Soleil alone, she goes to my doctors appointments, pharmacy, kids school, day trips and road trips. There are people out there who duck sit or "Feather Sit", theres even a group dedicated to it on FB hah. Remember to keep your head up, not everyone on BYC thinks ducks should be treated as pets. There are a bunch of us who know the wonderful feeling of ducky cuddles and don't have a problem spoiling their duck any more than someone with a dog :)
Welcome! What a cutie :) My duck Soleil loves peas too!
That's so cool! What kind of response do you get when you are out? My ducks are outdoor pets because I have several but we did bring them all in at Christmas (with their diapers on of course) and got a picture of them in front of the tree - I'll have to find it and post it.
OK now a bunch of peeps are making fun of me. Is it 'Pekin' or 'Peking'
The Pekin kind I would imagine bite your fingers. The Peking kind I would imagine are served with veggies. P.S. I don't eat either one.
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Wow, I can't believe you guys can get that close cuz mine just put up w/ me. I'm their source of food and thats it. I am making clicking noises when I feed them (clicker training) I'm hoping that will work.

Does anyone know clucknut? I can't seem to find her. I know there is a spot for searching but where? Have her contact me if you know her,pls

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