Pekin Duck Club!

Hi everyone, I haven't introduced myself in this thread yet. I've got 4, 3 month old ducks who have really come into their own recently. The biggest/loudest/piggiest of them all is my Pekin girl Grace. She's such a character, is the most friendly and absolutely loves treats (surprise surprise). Here's a few pics I was able to take of her yesterday, enjoy!
Welcome! Your duckies are so cute! Grace is one beautiful pekin

By DenverDucky I want to join the Peking Club.
I have a male and female Peking, babies! , . And also male and female babies with the puffy head. lol

Does anyone show their Pekins? I have 6 right now and I think 2-3 are drakes. I'm trying to decide who to cull. I'm wonder what I should be looking for in breeding stock.
Cull??? WHY?!????? Have you thought about rehoming? I can get you through to some great resources on finding homes for your drakes.

I still can't believe he would come to this site w/ that sort of comment. We love our babys!

I have 11 pekin crosses, they are just a month old. They are half brown runner. Sweet little babies. If this thread is for purebred owners only then im sorry for posting.
Welcome :D

I know this is a pekin thread but since sam-i-am is gone and all I have left is Maya the chicken. Just wanted to let you know lone superhen is doing fine may have a pet rhode island red now. Still want a jumbo pekin though!
I'm glad you are staying around, Sam-I-Am seemed liked such a sweet baby

My pekins name is quacky. I think it's a he but I don't know yet because he only chirps and didn't start quacking. I heard once they quack you'll know if its male or female. In just about a month and a half he's gotten so big! He knows when I'm going to feed him too. He flips out and won't even let me put his bowl down he's so excited! I also think he's pigeon toed. He literally crosses his feet one over then other when he walks its so cute! Lol also question: are they supposed to have an extra nail or "toe" on the back of their leg that sticks out because I think mine does. Btw he loves his snacks: yogurt, wet baby food, carrots, and lettuce. Still introducing him to new things
Welcome to you and Quacky!

Thank you! I think it is great what all you do for Soleil and with her! Neat she has her own facebook page also!

Thanks :D It's also good to hear since I do get backlash but I'm over it hah.

Hey! everybody I'm new but I already have 7 ducks. I only have 1 pekin duck though
But he is a blast and funny like he will beat up my cats and play tag with me.
Welcome! Sounds like you a have a smart ducky hah! What's his name?
Why thank you! I don't think they will be a couple for much longer, though. Now that they are getting to their mating age I am looking to adding two more grown females to make a flock. I have been reading posts and learning that he might start to hurt her eventually. Lol Rapist Raptor!!!
Freshwater pool and muddy marsh combo!!!!!!!

I built this in-ground freshwater pool and muddy marsh combo for my two "beakies," Billie-beak and Raptor!!! I put ferns in the marsh but they are blocked off from receiving the bulk of the muddy water and I added ornamental grass around the sides of the pool. The pool still needs a filter to be added and I still need to add sand around the sides of it. Also, there is a floodlight lighting up the area so they can enjoy their "wetland" area all night long and in the featured pictures it is late at night. As soon as I filled up the marsh area they jumped right in and started flopping around and digging in the mud, getting muddy and dirty and they were loving every moment of it!!! They must have spent a good hour-and-a-half in their muddy marsh and were sooooooo happy!!! When they got out of their muddy marsh I put them in their nice, clean pool and they immediately dirtied it up after splashing and flapping around but they came out all clean and white!!! My beakies are soooo spoiled haha!!! I am glad I took the time to make this area for them. It looks nice and the ducks love it!

The Beakie Pool-Marsh Combo!

Dirty, filthy, muddy beakies in the marsh!!!!

Beakies are all clean! Now the pool is a murky mess! Need a filter!!!
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Any hints on training my guys to go up their ramp for the night?
They love my hand (if it's not to fast) for peas. As soon as I have some help I plan on trying that. I can't hold 2 barriers and hold peas. I've lost that 3 hand you need when u have kids! lol
I love the way they nibble my clothes and legs when they think I have something. It's so much nicer than that 3 foot barrier. But! When it comes to bedtime, you'd think I grew horns!
My guys just go in on their own... if they are out late they panic when the sun starts going down and will squawk at the back door. They know Mr. Raccoon is coming! But if yours are being stubborn, food is always the best lure. Is there someone who can help hold everything? Once your ducks get into the routine they should do it on their own. I think domestics still have an instinct for predators and safety.
Just found out I'm going on a roadtrip at the end of the month to the Wichita area :) This will be Soleil's second time out there, so hopefully she can see some familier faces and maybe meet some new ones :D

Snapped a couple pictures today. I have two more Pekins, but I think they were swimming with the Buffs. The boys are just starting to get their drake curls. One is obvious here, but I think he's from my older pair. Mine range from 14-17 weeks old. You can tell everyone's been molting. The ground is littered with white feathers. The drakes (I think I have 3) have started mating with the girls in the pools. Hopefully I'll have some eggs soon. :)
Snapped a couple pictures today. I have two more Pekins, but I think they were swimming with the Buffs. The boys are just starting to get their drake curls. One is obvious here, but I think he's from my older pair. Mine range from 14-17 weeks old. You can tell everyone's been molting. The ground is littered with white feathers. The drakes (I think I have 3) have started mating with the girls in the pools. Hopefully I'll have some eggs soon. :)
Beautiful flock <3
Got a weird question. I know ducks use gravel in their crop to break down food but our Daphne duck seems to have eaten actual rocks. You pet her in that area and you can hear crunching like rocks. Has anyone ever dealt with this before? I work for a vet and am going to take her into work with me tomorrow.

Thank you,


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