Pekin Duck Club!

Love the contrast of those pretty girls and boys!
Thanks! That's why I posted it. The quality of the pic isn't very good, but I thought it showed how Pekins standout. If you look close there is 11 Rouens in it...
. Also, I keep meaning to say....Sorry about your ducks!!!!!!....I know they are in great hands!!!!!!,... glad they are all better!!!!....Thanks for posting what you did about! it!!!!!!!....
It has a raspy voice not quite a quack very quiet... I got him as a baby for Easter.
Then it must be a boy - I just don't see his drake feathers in the photo. If it's raspy, definitely a boy. You can't mistake the loud girls! LOL

Thanks! That's why I posted it. The quality of the pic isn't very good, but I thought it showed how Pekins standout. If you look close there is 11 Rouens in it...
. Also, I keep meaning to say....Sorry about your ducks!!!!!!....I know they are in great hands!!!!!!,... glad they are all better!!!!....Thanks for posting what you did about! it!!!!!!!....
Hahahaha.... I never even saw the Rouens...

Hopefully I helped someone out with that bumblefoot stuff... maybe prevent someone from having to cut into their ducks' feet.
Hello again everyone! Gosh! I had to catch up a lot!! Anywho. I have a quick question! My three Pekins have attracted a drake mix (pekin/mallard) and one of my girls keep chasing him AWAY. Why does she do this and is it normal? My one drake is completely calm and is actually more mellow. Any answer will be appreciated! Thanks!
I started feeding my flocks (10 ducks, 15 11-1/2 week-old chicks, 3 7-1/2 week old broiler chicks) the fermented feed, last week. The ducks took to it in no time, and actually can't wait for me to put their pans down to chow down. It's gone within a few minutes. The chickens, they get a pan for each age (the older ones get dry feed, too, to snack on) and since they eat at will, they will wipe it out by the end of the day. They eat it before they eat the dry feed.
I'm so glad the whole crew loved it'! For me it has been a hit w/ the chickens but the ducks went 2 days w/o eating! I can't figure why they would not eat it but if they want their feed in pellet form then so be it! My only concern is having to wash so many bowls. I do find that the down side. Do you wash yours or do you just refill them? By morning I find the bowl empty that had been filled that morning. I also make sure that there's plenty to eat when I put them down for the night. I am glad I have a 5 gal pal. I use the small one w' me when I lock them up to make sure their all set for the night.
Question: I see all these duck pictures of them laying on couches and beds. Don't your ducks poop alot? My question is that my ducks poop is always wet and splatters. Is that consistency normal? I know this is gross but I am just curious lol thank you!
Well we did a small introduction between one girl and one boy last night. He chased her around a bit then she submitted and things went ok. I only let this go on for about an hour. He would chase her every 15 mins or so. His brother was highly mad at me tho
. I would hate to separate the boys or get rid of any of my ducks. Maybe I should think about getting more females? I am glad all things went good with my two tho. Thanks for the advice!
I'm so glad the whole crew loved it'! For me it has been a hit w/ the chickens but the ducks went 2 days w/o eating! I can't figure why they would not eat it but if they want their feed in pellet form then so be it! My only concern is having to wash so many bowls. I do find that the down side. Do you wash yours or do you just refill them? By morning I find the bowl empty that had been filled that morning. I also make sure that there's plenty to eat when I put them down for the night. I am glad I have a 5 gal pal. I use the small one w' me when I lock them up to make sure their all set for the night.
I do add scratch feed to the top of pans, along with grit (I haven't offered it free will yet because of their housing situation at the present time, but that will change in the next couple of days). I only sprinkle a handful of scratch feed on each pan, as kind of a treat. Maybe that's why they eat it so excitedly! Give it a try with the ducks to encourage them.

I do wash their 4 pans everyday, letting the pans air dry. I wash dishes by hand, anyways, so it's no big deal to me to wash the birds' pans, too... just do them last. I don't have a dishwasher (by choice), because it's just me and my hubby (though hubby likes to dirty dishes like no other... he's the one that I have to clean up after more than the birds!).

I use about the same amount of feed using the fermented feed as I would dry feed, but it's not wasted nearly the amount it was before I started with the fermented. They eat it all, and none is spilled. I have my finisher feed that I'm using for the fermented feed, because I have more birds on that grade of feed, but have 9 birds still on the grower feed, and they're still on dry feed, and they spill it all over the place. Two more weeks, and they'll ALL be on the finisher... for a couple of weeks... then the older birds will be on layer feed, and I'll convert over to it for the fermented feed. I'll take some of the mother to start the layer feed so I don't have to wait for it to "bloom", and still have the finisher for the younger birds.

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