Pekin Duck Club!

Hello Everyone! Sorry I've been MIA- I went on vacation and I'm still trying to get caught up on the thread hah. If there are any members who would like to join the Pekin Duck Club please send me a PM so I don't miss you! Thanks! I will be posting up pics of our vacation soon, Soleil had so much fun I can't wait to share :D
can you post a pic of your pen? I kinda need ideas.... Right now mine are in a type of outdoor dog cage.

I will try to get to that this week sometime - been crazy around here... lots of memorial services, funerals, etc. for all our firemen, several of which we were acquainted with, one who we were close to.
So I have discovered a new problem. My drake that was introduced to my females yesterday, has found it absolutely necessary to guard "his" pool. The only way for my females, and chickens, to get a drink is to agree to a mating session. He has even tried this with my chickens. No drink unless you mate. The females cant even get close to the pool without being dragged in and mated. I know they have to mate....and it might just be the protective momma in me but I am afraid my girls aint gonna be able to drink and play in their pool like they should cause that mean ol' boy is always trying to mate. 

Don't let him touch them! His ! Would do damage!
I will try to get to that this week sometime - been crazy around here... lots of memorial services, funerals, etc. for all our firemen, several of which we were acquainted with, one who we were close to. :(

I'm so sorry! :(
You've been very busy.
I'm finding the ff has mingy bugs dead in their dish, should I change to regular feed?
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Hi guys! I am thinking about getting 2-3 pekin ducks in the spring! any tips on housing, feed, taming, anything would be appreciated!

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