Pekin Duck Club!

I have 3 Pekins about 7 weeks old and 1 of them seems to have weaker legs than the others. she always falls down when she runs or jumps out of the pool or of the step of the back deck where they like to sleep. I have feed all nine of my ducks the same using dumor chick starter/grower which I heard has the appropriate amount of niacin for growing ducklings. Should I add more niacin to their diet or could she have another problem?
We have a "weeble-wobble" duckie too. Ours is a crested and that causes her issues. We have to add niacin to her food. I am not familiar with dumor brand as we haven't used it so I can't speak on its contents but I wouldn't think extra niacin would hurt. For ours though we bring her inside at night, give her some extra time to eat undisturbed (she gets cucumber, canned chicken/tuna, tomato and food mix), and then she sleeps in a crate (again so she is undisturbed by the others). The next day she seems to do better, more steady on her feet. You could try something similar to see if it helps her. Also watch her to make sure she she is not getting into something she should not. Good luck
...just 3 jumbos are now about 3 weeks old.they are well fed and kept in a clean warm environment. Plenty of water. I talk to them nicely all the time. But they are not inside my question is this,are they naturally so shy at this age? They seem to always be running away from me. I just give them their space. But of course I would like them to be more snuggly with me. I am patient and I can wait. Is there anything more I should do?
Mine have been shy to but as they are getting older and realizing that I bring the food they are getting better. Make sure you are interacting with them everyday.
francis. Dulcinea. Izabel
LOVE IT!!!! Their little beaks are making a heart! so cute.
I asked on the khaki campbell page but no response. Is it normal for khakis and runners to got more than 3 weeks without laying after a move.
Is there a safe way to color mark ducklings? I have 4 three week old ducklings and my little cousin(6 years old) decided to name them after the 4 ninja turtles. Anyways is there a safe way to put a dot on like their beak or something (thinking we would do it the same color as the ninja turtles they were named after) so we can tell them apart?
Is there a safe way to color mark ducklings? I have 4 three week old ducklings and my little cousin(6 years old) decided to name them after the 4 ninja turtles. Anyways is there a safe way to put a dot on like their beak or something (thinking we would do it the same color as the ninja turtles they were named after) so we can tell them apart?
a drop of food coloring will work just fine and it is safe
I asked on the khaki campbell page but no response. Is it normal for khakis and runners to got more than 3 weeks without laying after a move.
Sometimes it does take their bodies a while to adjust to laying. I don't remember how long after the first few eggs before they got into a routine. I would just watch them, as long as they seem to be eating, drinking and acting normal I wouldn't worry too much. If you notice them acting lethargic, mopey, or generally not acting normal I would begin checking for a solution as they may be egg bound or having some other issues. Congrats on the egg by the way.
I dont know about khakis. I got no response to my Pekin Duck Sweet being injured. She doesnt seem to be getting any better. Its a foot or leg. Is there anything that can be done? She is able to swim fine but rests on the bank half the day while the others swim and run about all day
I have 3 Pekins about 7 weeks old and 1 of them seems to have weaker legs than the others. she always falls down when she runs or jumps out of the pool or of the step of the back deck where they like to sleep. I have feed all nine of my ducks the same using dumor chick starter/grower which I heard has the appropriate amount of niacin for growing ducklings. Should I add more niacin to their diet or could she have another problem?
I would definitely add more niacin - it won't hurt the others to get it too - you can safely give all of them 100-125mg niacin per gallon of water for their first 10-12 weeks. I personally don't think chick starter has enough niacin, although many ducks manage without it. I always provide niacin for my ducks when feeding chick starter. It it was actual duck feed, then you probably wouldn't have to supplement. Also, you should start seeing some improvement in a week or two...

I dont know about khakis. I got no response to my Pekin Duck Sweet being injured. She doesnt seem to be getting any better. Its a foot or leg. Is there anything that can be done? She is able to swim fine but rests on the bank half the day while the others swim and run about all day
Can you give us some more information and see if any of us on here can help you out?

How old?
What is she eating? Any supplements?
Is it an actual injury? If so, how was she injured?
I would definitely add more niacin - it won't hurt the others to get it too - you can safely give all of them 100-125mg niacin per gallon of water for their first 10-12 weeks. I personally don't think chick starter has enough niacin, although many ducks manage without it. I always provide niacin for my ducks when feeding chick starter. It it was actual duck feed, then you probably wouldn't have to supplement. Also, you should start seeing some improvement in a week or two...
Thanks I will look into adding more niacin. The chick starter/grower is specifically meant for chicks ducks and geese.;-chick-starter-grower-20%-feed-50-lb It says additional vitamins and minerals are not needed.
Hi there fellow duck owners :) My name is Michelle and I live in Ontario, Canada. My family and I are new to the feathered pet world as of this year and though we are LOVING it, I am having some anxiety about surviving the winter! We have 19 chickens, and 2 ducks; 1 pekin, Napoleon (though we are not 100% sure he is in fact a he), and 1 Rouen, Josephine (she is a girl!). I am wondering if anyone can give me a coles notes version of what they do to survive the winter in regards to ducks and their water! We have a lovely pool for them right now that they spend their days in, but once the snow flies, this won't be possible (unless we move them inside, which by the looks of it some of you pull off quite nicely!). To be truthful, if it would be less work we would consider bringing them inside, they get along quite well with our dog. Any insight would be great!


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