Pekin Duck Club!

mine do this too.. the only way i have seen a difference with people who have ducks is spending a great deal of time with them when their ducklings. or give them lots of treats! mine follow me everywhere after i give them cucumber :)
They can have cucumbers?? What!! I'm on my way to chop some up. Also, my oldest pekin has a hurt leg/foot. He walks with a limp. Not sure what happened but I am going to wait till dbf gets off to help me catch him and look..
My girl just started to lay I got a total of 7 eggs everyday now yesterday and today nothing is that normal? Two eggs was huge and the rest have been average size do they not lay every day? I hope a snake didn't get them or something else I check early in the morning and all day.

Luluann one of mine is limping too looked at her don't see anything :/ seems like she gets better then not :(
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they can have most vegies with the except no onions, mushrooms and a couple others i can remember... ours love squash, zuchinni, potatoes, lettuce, romaine, green and red peppers, cucumbers...
Don't forget the peas!
Mine will do just about anything for frozen, thawed peas. They even try to rip open my pods through the garden fence. Good treat too - high in niacin which ducks need.
Hey guys, I've just got a dozen Pekin eggs that I'm going to incubate. What temperatures and humidity do you find wors the best for your eggs? What I've found so far says to have a temperature of 37.5 with a relative humidity of 55%. Do I bump that up on lockdown like with chicken eggs? Thanks for any help!
Haha, 99.5 °C would give me boiled eggs I think! But I was worried about the humidity, thank you loads for the guides :) Hopefully I'll have some lovely little ducklings in a while :D
Hahaha! Yeah just keep it as close as you can to 37.5 C and the humidity ranges from around 45% to 55%, and on the last three days of incubation the humidity should be bumped up to round 65%-78%. That's just from my own experiences with duck eggs.
mine do this too.. the only way i have seen a difference with people who have ducks is spending a great deal of time with them when their ducklings. or give them lots of treats! mine follow me everywhere after i give them cucumber :)

So even with them being month and half old I still have time for them to warm up? They totally freak out! My arms are all clawed up from them. They get lots of treats. I just don't understand. I really want them to be friendly.

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