Pekin Duck Club!

The nest so far! Derpette has started laying every day!
Yeah, derpette just laid another egg, so i put it in the incubator. The other big egg was a double yolker to. And the worst part is, when i went to put the other double yolker in the fridge, i dropped it! I was mad at myself but then i just started laughing. I was SO glad the eggs were laid recently. So im just waiting on the regular eggs.
Are ducks the same as chickens and start laying around 18 weeks? I have one female and one male Pekin. My chickens just started laying this weeks so we added oyster shell to everyone's pen. Will it hurt if the male eats some? I am having trouble finding layer food for my ducks. Was giving them duck grower but now that she should start laying not sure what i should be feeding them.
Are ducks the same as chickens and start laying around 18 weeks? I have one female and one male Pekin. My chickens just started laying this weeks so we added oyster shell to everyone's pen. Will it hurt if the male eats some? I am having trouble finding layer food for my ducks. Was giving them duck grower but now that she should start laying not sure what i should be feeding them.

My Pekins started laying around 24 weeks but I've heard of others' ducks starting sooner. As for the feed, it's actually best to keep them on a grower and provide oyster shell free-choice, as you are doing now. It's okay if the male eats some - much better than feeding layer when he doesn't have a choice and the extra calcium isn't necessarily good for males. I like to let my ducks and chickens decide for themselves how much calcium they need. My ducks get chicken feed (grower) - all my birds eat the same feed. I either wet it down or ferment it - makes it go farther and the ducks love it sloppy!
Thanks countrygirl74

He seemed to eat it (oyster shell) because she was, but hasn't touched it since. LOL He is very nosey. I will keep them on the duck grower then. I had switched to chickens to layer and thought I needed to do the same with the ducks. Sounds like they don't lay anywhere near the same amount (think I read 30-100 a year?) Do you use yours for baking?
I haven't posted a pic for a while.


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