Pekin Duck Club!

Haha thanks Amiga - the craziness of school starting football schedules a new puppy the farm. Harvest and ummm life has kept me away for a bit
hope all is well your way!!

Doin' pretty well. Had four girls go broody this year. I let them sit on infertile eggs. I want to know who my broodies are so that if and when I decide to let them hatch, I will know who may be able to do the job.

Sechs had a a prolapse early summer, keeping her in the dark she was the first to go broody. I am grateful, as that shut her laying down. She sat for four months. I kept up with her as best I know how, being sure to give her extra peas for calories as well as extra vitamins. Anyway, she is off the nest now, and molting. Prayers that she is all healed up before laying again.
I would love to be added to the club! We just adopted a three year old special needs Peking named Lucy yesterday. She has already stolen the hearts of our entire family. She is super affectionate. I want to have her looked at by a vet. Was wondering if anyone has a referral for the San Antonio area?
Pekin Duck Club Members List:






Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed! Thanks :)

I would love to be added to the club! We just adopted a three year old special needs Peking named Lucy yesterday. She has already stolen the hearts of our entire family. She is super affectionate. I want to have her looked at by a vet. Was wondering if anyone has a referral for the San Antonio area?

Congratulations and blessings!

Here is Majestic Waterfowl's vet finder page with some suggestions for locating a vet if their listings are not available to you.

Here is Smith & Wesson at one week old.

Here is Smith & Wesson now!+
so adorable LOOOOVE the names !!!! those names are on my list for my new Sebbie goslings i want this spring haha my new 11 week old Pup is named KIMBER

Doin' pretty well. Had four girls go broody this year. I let them sit on infertile eggs. I want to know who my broodies are so that if and when I decide to let them hatch, I will know who may be able to do the job.

Sechs had a a prolapse early summer, keeping her in the dark she was the first to go broody. I am grateful, as that shut her laying down. She sat for four months. I kept up with her as best I know how, being sure to give her extra peas for calories as well as extra vitamins. Anyway, she is off the nest now, and molting. Prayers that she is all healed up before laying again.
awwww im glad shes doing better ! question Amiga ... when do they go thru Molt ? just anytime ? my pekins are 6 months my chickens are 7m . my geese are 5m. the weather is getting colder here in Ohio ... does that set a molt off or no ?' just wondering i know it effect egg production right ?
awwww im glad shes doing better ! question Amiga ... when do they go thru Molt ? just anytime ? my pekins are 6 months my chickens are 7m . my geese are 5m. the weather is getting colder here in Ohio ... does that set a molt off or no ?' just wondering i know it effect egg production right ?
I never know for sure when they're going to molt. Mine do not do it all as a group, though a few of them are currently close to the same stage of molt. Feathers all over the place. But others are already done, and a couple have yet to begin. And it's getting chilly at night!

Anyway, the pattern in my four broodies is they brood for a while, then they are done, then they molt, then they take some additional break time away from laying, and start up again. But it seems to have little to do with the season, for some of them. I have girls that start to molt in November. And some who start to lay in February. Except last year, I think Bean's presence is why they went on a five month strike. Or maybe his presence actually triggered hormones that made their laying process more seasonal.

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